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On Monday, Britain said it would send an additional 1,400 troops to Afghanistan to help repel any offensive.

On Monday morning, residents of Tyre awoke to learn that the last remaining road connecting the city to the outside world had been bombed out. 星期一的早上,提尔的居民起床后就发现剩下的最后一条通往外界的公路已被炸毁。
On Monday she was taken into clinic and Wednesday she died. 但是,喝了这些可乐后,也就在第二天的周一,她就被送进了医院,并于周三死亡。
On Monday the ostrich picked flowers as a present to the girl. He left them at her door and ran away shyly. 星期一,鸵鸟采了些花作为给女孩的礼物。他把花留在她的门口就羞涩地跑开了。
On Monday the two classes clashed. 礼拜一那两堂课起冲突。
On Monday, 16 employees of a trading company were taken in Baghdad. 星期六巴格达的一家贸易公司有16名员工被绑架。
On Monday, Britain said it would send an additional 1,400 troops to Afghanistan to help repel any offensive. 在周一,英国称会额外派遣1400名士兵到阿富汗以帮组抵制任何进攻。
On Monday, Bush is scheduled to attend a Republican National Committee luncheon in Washington, sign a bill and meet with NCAA championship teams on the South Lawn. 周一,布什将按计划出席共和党全国委员会在华盛顿的午宴、签署一项法案,并将在白宫南草坪接见全美大学生联赛球队。
On Monday, HPD officials declined to comment on the fatal shooting, citing the ongoing investigation. 星期一,警察署总部拒绝评论枪击死亡事件,并说正在进行的调查。
On Monday, I will convene my national security team and other key members of my Cabinet at Camp David to discuss the way ahead in Iraq. 周一,我将与我的国土安全班子以及其它内阁重要成员在戴维营协商有关伊拉克的前途问题。
On Monday, Jose Mourinho had stated that the teenage midfielder would miss Chelsea's next two games due to a minor thigh injury. 穆里尼奥在星期一宣布这位年轻的中场球员由于大腿轻伤将会缺席切尔西接下来的两场比赛。
On Monday, Lake set investor lo tied to his actio at $80 million, which he relied on to set the sentence. With that figure, Skilling faced up to 30.4 years in prison. 星期一,莱克将投资者8000万美元的损失与他的行为联系起来作为判罪的依据。依据这一金额,斯奇林将面临30.4年的牢狱生涯。

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