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The government plans to increase taxes by five percent over the next year.

The government patented the device to its inventor. 政府给予发明者专利权。
The government plan to pull down the building and rebuild it. 政府计划推倒那幢楼重建一座。
The government planned for an eight straight year of budget deficit this year, with the poor fiscal health prompting ratings agency Standard &Poor's to put Taiwan's sovereign credit rating outlook to negative in 2004. 今年政府规画了连续八年的预算赤字,由于财务不健全促使评等机构标准普尔公司把台湾2004年的政府信用评等展望评为负的。
The government planned to build10000 new houses last year, but they fell short of their aim. 去年政府计划建造一万所新房屋,但没达到他们的目标。
The government plans to buy up all surplus grain in order to stabilize the price. 为了稳定物价,政府计画把所有的谷物买起来。
The government plans to increase taxes by five percent over the next year. 政府计画明年之内加税百分之五。
The government points out that the clock tower has to be demolished due to road widening, What is your response? 政府指出基于道路扩建,有关钟楼有需要拆卸,对此你有何回应?
The government predicts single-digit inflation for this year, compared with 15 percent last year. 政府预测今年有个位数的通货膨胀,相较于去年的百分之十五。
The government previously pegged growth at 4.8 per cent, still a substantial leap from the previous weak quarter's annualised growth of 1.2 per cent. 日本政府此前估计该季度经济增长率为4.8%,与前一季度1.2%的年率化增幅相比,仍不失为一次大幅增长。
The government projected a tax decrease. 政府计划减少一项税款。
The government promised do something to help the unemployed men. 政府已答应采取措施来帮助失业者。

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