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The first to serve her pancake to the bell ringer at the church door receives from him a traditional kiss and is hailed as the year's Pancake Champion.

The first times I used my 6x6 camera it caused some desperation: how to fill the square? 我第一次使用我的6×6相机时让我有些绝望:怎样去填充这个方形?
The first tip highlighted by New Scientist magazine is that workers should be sociable - but not too sociable. 《新科学杂志》强调的第一大妙法是,要善于交际,但不要过头。
The first to arrive—from Siberia, more than 10,000 years ago, it is believed—were the American Indians. 最早的移民是美洲印第安人,据信是一万余年前从西伯利亚宋的。
The first to cover all the pictures is the winner. 向学生说明第一个将所有图片盖住的就是胜利者。
The first to depart is reserve team central defender, Steven Watt. 第一个离开的是预备队中后卫,斯蒂文-沃特。
The first to serve her pancake to the bell ringer at the church door receives from him a traditional kiss and is hailed as the year's Pancake Champion. 第一个将薄饼给教堂门口打铃人吃的选手,将从他那儿得到一个传统上的吻,并被人们欢呼为该年的薄饼冠军。
The first topic we need to address is establishing some basic definitions. 我们要着重的第一个主题是建立一些基本的定义。
The first trade barrier investigation in China was initiated on April 22 2004 at the request of the laver Association of Jiangsu Province. 本次贸易壁垒调查是应江苏省紫菜协会的申请于2004年4月22日立案的。
The first transaction between even ordinary citizensand the first chance to make an impression for better or worse-is,of course,an exchange of names. 即使是两个普通的人,在第一次交往时,也要相互交换姓名,这是给彼此留下或好或坏印象的第一次机会。
The first trend is sacrificing damage gear for tanking gear: stacking stamina and resilience at the cost of other stats. 第一条出路是牺牲伤害来换取生存资本:堆耐力和提高各种抗性值。
The first two carriages of the train telescoped in the crash. 火车撞车时前两节车厢叠嵌在一起了。

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