LL: Well, the writers created a main character who is a pilot, a linguist, a professor, and an expert in martial arts. That sounds a little overboard to me!
那倒也是。他们把主角写成是一个飞行员、语言学家兼教授、而且还是武术高手,是有点太夸张了!一个角色有这么多才能,好像有点不真实了。 |
LL: Well, they don't sell those at the grocery store, but I have a friend who can hook you up with some tickets.
还有什么呀?对了,你能不能帮我买一张这个周末的音乐会票子呢? |
LL: Well, they had your best interests at heart. Say, you know what I want to make a big stink about now?
谁说他们不生气?我上中学的时候,有个学期我的数学成绩很差。我父母就特别生气。这对他们来说才是件大事。 |
LL: Well, we'll just have to wing it.
你是说鸡翅膀?可是我们已经没有时间到店里去买了啊! |
LL: Well, we've warned my uncle to take care of his old ticker, but he doesn't listen. He still eats junk food and he has a very stressful job.
看来你叔叔不是个听话的病人。心脏不好的人应该要避免吃垃圾食物。或许你叔叔这次出院后,能意识到要好好照顾自己的心脏了。 |
LL: Well, when I was an undergraduate, I would just crank out essays and term papers, no problem. Of course, it's not that easy these days.
我听说了,你读本科的时候是写作高手,论文和学期作文都难不倒你。现在当研究生就不一样了;你要作大量研究才能有根有据地写。 |
LL: Well, you would be a real sweetie-pie if you would give one of them a call and say nice things about me.
说起来,我还真有几个长的很可爱的女朋友,或许可以给你介绍一个,让你们出去吃个饭或看电影什么的。 |
LL: What? Don't tell me you're getting cold feet! You told me last week you wanted to come along!
是,我上个星期是说要去来啦!可我现在说不好是不是能去。这跟我的脚没有关系。而且冬天还没有来,我的脚怎么会冷呢? |
LL: While I'm doing that, you and my mom can go and have a ball shopping. It works out perfectly.
和你爸爸看球赛,又和你表弟打球,这些对你来说就是玩得过瘾啦!不过啊,我是一点兴趣也没有。 |
LL: While having some wiggle room in your schedule is a good thing, are you worried about losing some of your income?
是啊,少教些书是会让我有更多时间,不过我也担心收入就会减少。 |
LL: Why don't we come back some other time when it's not so crowded. When you're on edge like this, it's better to stay away from other people.
那怎么行!我们已经费了这么大功夫到这儿来。没买到礼物怎么就回去呢?你怎么啦? |