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Photographic properties' result of this development accelerator (M) indicated that M could increased photosensitivity significantly and at the same time had good anti-aging properties, whereas did not change the absorption spectra of the main coupler deve

Photographers return and the photos are quickly developed. 摄影记者回来了,很快把照片冲洗好了。
Photographers show our life with their camera. 摄影师用摄影机阐释生活。
Photographic aerial reconnaissance especially of military targets. 空中照相侦察空中照相侦察,尤指军事目的的
Photographic images contain thousands (sometimes hundreds of thousands) of more background patterns than face patterns. 照片中背景比人脸的图案多上几千(有时候上万)。
Photographic paper is highly sensitive to light. 感光纸对光十分敏感.
Photographic properties' result of this development accelerator (M) indicated that M could increased photosensitivity significantly and at the same time had good anti-aging properties, whereas did not change the absorption spectra of the main coupler deve 照相性能试验结果表明:显影促进剂M能明显提高感光度而且具有良好的抗老化性能;染料吸收光谱的结果表明:它的使用不影响主成色剂成色染料的吸收光谱。
Photographing a cake can be art. 拍一个蛋糕也能成为艺术品。
Photographing: The best place to take picture is at the entry of the Shizi Pass in opposite to Shizhong Temple. 留影:拍摄照片的最佳地点在石钟寺对面的狮子过悬关处。
Photographs are 2) vital to modern 3) journalism. 照片对现代新闻业极为重要。
Photographs depict objective realities that already exist, though only the camera can disclose them. 照片描绘业已存在的客观现实,不过只有造相机才能揭示这种客观现实。
Photographs of Moss apparently snorting large quantities of cocaine appeared in the Daily Mirror tabloid last September. 去年九月镜报大幅刊登了凯特·莫斯吸食可卡因的照片。

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