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A landmark 20-year study showed that increased one-on-one parenting produces higher education levels, higher test scores and higher levels of achievement.

A landing near the renown “James Bond Rock,” so call because a scene form the movie “The Man With The Golden Gun” was filmed here, would instill some sense of adventure. 攀牙湾岛上有个闻名遐迩的詹姆士岩石,如此得名源于电影:“拿着金色手枪的男人”在这里拍摄,带有惊险和刺激。
A landing platform attached to a wharf and floating on the water. 浮台固定在码头且浮在水面上的着陆平台
A landlord and a new tenant are talking about rules of the building. 一个房东和一个新房客正在讨论租赁房屋的条例。
A landlord in Florida got quite a shock when she opened a closet of her rental property, a gigantic albino python. 佛罗里达一个房东太太打开自家外租房的柜子时被吓了一大跳,里面有一条白色的巨蟒。
A landlord requested sexual favours in lieu of rent from a tenant operating an escort agency from the rental property. 房东向一位经营保镖业务的住户表示,可以用性好处代替房租。
A landmark 20-year study showed that increased one-on-one parenting produces higher education levels, higher test scores and higher levels of achievement. 一个具有标志性持的、续时间为20年的研究就显示一对一抚育量增加能带来更高的教育水平、考试分数,成就水平。
A landmark WTO ruling in March 2005 condemned several key US programmes that aid US cotton farmers. 2005年3月,世贸组织做出了一项具有标志性意义的裁决,对美国支助本国棉农的几项关键计划予以谴责。
A landmark success was Barcelona, the capital of Catalonia, declaring itself anti-bullfight in April 2004, since which more than 38 towns and villages across the region have followed suit. “无残暴文化”联合运动之前已在巴塞罗纳(加泰罗尼亚首府)取得过里程碑式的成功。2004年4月,巴塞罗那宣布其为反斗牛城市。紧接着有超过38个周边市镇乡村竞相跟随此取缔活动。
A landmine blast blamed on Baluch militants has killed at least two Pakistani soldiers and wounded four others. 被指由俾路支激进分子安放的地雷炸死至少两名巴基斯坦军人,还有4人受伤。
A landmine is a kind of weapon used in war. 地雷是一种运用于战争的武器。
A landowner who already holds land subject to a mortgage may wish to hypothecate his equity. 已经拥有被按揭抵押土地的所有人可能会希望抵押他的衡平法权益.

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