Architectural Interior design is inevitably associated with both the spaceand skin.
建筑与室内设计,必然同时涉及“空间”与“表皮”两个部分。 |
Architectural design is an activity which requires many participants to integrate and manage a large volume of information.
摘要建筑设计是一种多人参与的整合与处理大量资料的活动,而藉由设计表现以达沟通之模式是设计团队合作必要的条件。 |
Architectural education deportment should reconsider the educational ideology, which is market-oriented now, and the basic aim of education, to foster the student that not only has knowledge on technology but also is sensitive on emotion, tough on will.
建筑教育应当对于目前“以市场为导向”的器用价值观和培养目标进行反思,有意识地培养在知识、情智和意志方面都能有全面发展的学生。 |
Architectural language is adopted to express the special function of the AP-MCSTA Headquarters Building for aviation and space flight.
摘要用建筑的语言表述亚太空间合作组织总部大厦航空、航天、航宇的内在特质。 |
Architectural styles range from Tiki to Tuscan.
建筑风格包括了从海洋情调到意大利托斯卡纳式。 |
Architecturally, Copenhagen has more than its share of interesting sights, from the administrative palace of Christiansborg Slot on the island of Slotsholmen to the scenic steeple of Vor Frelsers Kirke.
建筑上,哥本哈根有太多吸引人的景象,从城堡岛上丹麦国会的所在克里斯钦堡宫,到美丽的尖顶救世主教堂。 |
Architecture : Design how the backlog items will be implemented. This phase includes system architecture modification and high level design.
体系架构阶段:构思如何实现待定项。本阶段包括系统架构修改和高层设计。 |
Architecture becomes then a process not of doing or making, but of finding and discovering.
建筑就不再是造或建的过程,而是寻找和发现。 |
Architecture industry: it is the only enterprise in Zibo city with two first grade contract qualification.
建筑业:该公司是淄博市仅有的拥有两个一级总承包资质的企业。 |
Architecture is a constructive activity of space which is based on technology.
摘要从本质上说,建筑是一种空间的营造过程,是在技术基础上进行的建造活动。 |
Architecture is a silent art, while people can communicate with the history through appreciating historic sites.
摘要建筑是一门无声的艺术,但是人们却可以通过古迹和历史对话。 |