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So risky as to require very deft handling.

So remarkable as to elicit disbelief; fantastic. 如此特别以至让人难以相信;精彩绝伦的
So remove vexation from your heart, and put away evil from your flesh; for childhood and the dawn of life are vanity. 10所以你当从心中除掉愁烦,从肉体克除邪恶;因为幼年之时和人生的初期,都是虚空的。
So researchers have headed into nature themselves, measuring the toxin in pollen from plots of GM corn, estimating how much of it drifts onto plants such as milkweed and, finally, determining the exposure of butterfly and moth larvae to the protein. 因此研究人员亲下田野,到栽种基因改造作物的玉米田里测量花粉中的毒素,估计有多少毒素会飘落到马利筋之类的植物上,最后还需确定蛾、蝶幼虫的毒素接触量。
So right off we named him Punkinhead. 我们马上想到了“南瓜头”这个名字。
So rigidly did he adhere to his resolve that no senator should be executed in his reign,68 that a confessed parricide was merely marooned on a desert island, and that only because it was against the laws of nature to let such a one live. 他的决心如此坚定,以致没有一个元老在他执政期间被处决(68);一个杀尊亲者只是被放逐到荒岛上,只因为它是违反自然的法律让这样的一个人活着。
So risky as to require very deft handling. 冒险的冒险的,需灵巧处理的
So rows should be expected. 所以争论是难免的。
So say three teams of scientists who used the Spitzer space telescope to capture the light spectrum of two known extrasolar planets. 三支科学家小组用“斯必择”空间望远镜捕获了两个已知的太阳系外行星的光谱。
So says the most recent estimate from the United Nations. 因此我们来谈一谈来自联合国的几项评估。
So scientists keep working on the tunneling technology and finally perfect it, first teleporting a single atom of cesium in a lab. 所以科学家仍然努力研发着量子通道技术并且最终将其变得理想化了,第一次是在实验室传送单个铯院子。
So security could be a deciding issue on Election Day. 因此安全将会是在选举日中的决定性问题。

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