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1987 In Washington, U.S. President Ronald Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev signed an intermediate-range nuclear forces treaty to eliminate all nuclear weapons in that category.

1985 The Chines Family and Its Ritual Behavior (edited with Hsieh Jih-chang), Monograph Series B. No.15, Institute of Ethnology,Academia Sinica. Taipei. 1985民间宗教仪式之检讨研讨会论文集(与李亦园合编)台北:中国民族学会编印。
1985 The Chinese Family and Its Ritual Behavior (With Hsieh Jih-chang, eds.). Monograph Series B. No.15. Taipei: Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica. 1994台湾与福建社会文化研究论文集(一)(与潘英海合编)。台北:中央研究院民族学研究所。
1986 The 7th World Gymnastics Championships Two gold, pommel horse, floor exercise and individual all-around. 1985年第23届世界体操锦标赛吊环冠军、鞍马、自由体操和团体亚军。
1986 start manufacture &sale of small-scale modular/cooling tower packaged type absorption chiller/heater utilizing gas. 1986年开始生产和销售蒸汽型小型模块型和冷却塔一体型吸收式制冷机/制热机。
1986 wrote and directed the TV film TRAVELING IN THE BA MOUNTAINS, broadcast by CCTV. 1986年编导电视片《巴山老区行》,中央电视台播出。
1987 In Washington, U.S. President Ronald Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev signed an intermediate-range nuclear forces treaty to eliminate all nuclear weapons in that category. 美国总统里根和苏联领导人戈尔巴乔夫在华盛顿签署了关于全部销毁两国中程核导弹条约。
1987 The Central American Peace Accord was signed in Guatemala City by presidents from Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Honduras and El Salvador. 危地马拉·尼加拉瓜、哥斯达尼加、洪都拉斯和萨尔瓦多5国总统在危地马拉城签署《中美洲和平协议》。
1987 The Chinese Communits Party held its 13th National Congress from October 25 to November 1 in Beijing. 中国共产党十三大于10月25日至11月1日在北京召开。
1987 start manufacture &sale of intellectualized controlled LiBr absorption chiller/heater developed with Tokyo gas company. 1987年开始生产和销售与东京燃气公司开发的智能控制溴化锂吸收式制冷机/制热机。
1987 wrote and directed TV documentaries A PEARL ON THE RIVERSIDE OF THE JIALING and REVIVAL OF THE CHONGQING AGRICULTURE MATERIAL SUPPLIERS. 1987年编导电视片《嘉陵江边一颗星》、《重庆农资唱新曲》,中央电视台播出。
1988 Adjuant chemotherapy proen to increase disease-free surial in early breast cancer. 1988年,证实应用辅助化疗治疗早期乳腺癌可以提高无病生存.

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