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Clarice Starling: Do right, and you'll live through this.

Clarence Seedorf has dismissed new reports he wants to leave AC Milan. 西黑反驳有关他要离开米兰的传闻.
Clarence Seedorf played well in his time at Real, but slightly less so since his move to Inter last season. Why do you think that is? 卡拉恩·西多夫曾经在皇马踢得不错,但是自从上个赛季转会到国际米兰后,表现的不如以前,你认为这是什么原因?
Clarence Seedorf says he would welcome Milan's proposed capture of Ronaldinho. “I'd give him my shirt,” he stated. 西多夫说对于目前米兰对罗纳尔迪尼奥的追逐,他表示欢迎。他说:“如果他来,我把我的球衣让给他。”
Clarence Seedorf says he's delighted to be part of such a united squad after playing in his 200th game for Milan. 西多夫已经为米兰出场达到200场了,他说能够获得这样的成就他很荣幸。
Clarice Starling: And they were screaming. 克拉丽斯:还有它们在号叫。
Clarice Starling: Do right, and you'll live through this. 克拉丽斯:老实点,你会经受住的。
Clarice Starling: Do right, and youSpoken like a true Protestant. 汉尼拔:说得像个真正的新教徒。
Clarice Starling: I was raised Lutheran. 克拉丽斯:我是被路德教会养大的。
Clarice Starling: Lambs. The lambs were screaming. 克拉丽斯:羔羊们在号叫。
Clarice Starling: You see a lot don't you doctor. Why don't you turn that high-powered perception at yourself and tell us what you see, or, maybe you're afraid to. 克拉丽斯:你看见很多,难道不是吗,博士?为什么不把你深邃的洞察力用在你自己身上,告诉我们你看到了什么,或许你害怕。
Clarification of detailed product requirements in cooperation with customers and product management. 具备简化产品要求细节,协调客户与产品管理的能力。

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