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A: Tomorrow will be Dragon Boat Festival. Have you got anything planned?

A: Tom has on an expensive suit, but it looks like he didn't even comb his hair today. I just don't think he is cut out for working with clients. 汤姆穿了一件昂贵的西服,但他今天似乎没有梳头发。我觉得他不适合跟客户打交道。
A: Tom will drop by later. 汤姆等一下会过来。
A: Tom, do you know what FIFA stand for? 汤姆,你知道FIFA代表什么吗?
A: Tom, how was your entrance exam? 汤姆,你的升学考试怎么样?
A: Tom, we are running short of salt. Can you remember to get some when you pass by the grocery store? 汤姆,我们的盐快用完了。你路过杂货店时记着买一些好吗?
A: Tomorrow will be Dragon Boat Festival. Have you got anything planned? 明天将是龙舟节。您有什么计划?
A: Traffic seems to get worse every day. 交通好像一天比一天糟。
A: Travelers worry about airplane air because it's often dry, because the environment is usually cramped, and because it seems that the germs released by passengers' coughs and sneezes have nowhere to go. 答:旅客会担心机舱内的空气质量,因为那里不仅干燥、空间有限,而且人们咳嗽、打喷嚏时跑出来的细菌似乎也无处可去。
A: True. Well, see you tomorrow. 这倒是。好了,明天见。
A: Try these pills. Take two after each meal. 试试这些药。饭后两片。
A: Try this one. It cleans your blackhead in a flash. 试试这个,它会在瞬间去除你的黑头。

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