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The combination of a crystallographic plane and, within that plane, a crystallographic direction along which slip (i.e., dislocation motion) occurs.

The combatants were exhausted after a month's fight. 战士们经过一个月的战斗已筋疲力尽。
The combative Frenchman is set to play a key role in the defence of Chelsea's title this season, providing the type of solidity in front of the back four that has made Jose Mourinho's side such a difficult outfit to break down. 凶悍的法国人在切尔西本赛季的防守体系中扮演一个关键作用,在四后卫前面提供混泥土般的保护,使得穆利尼奥的球队的球门很难被攻进。
The combination form and way between immobilized cyclodextrin and pollutant was investigated. 通过固载化环糊精与污染物的作用,探讨了固载化环糊精与污染物的结合形态及方式。
The combination is designed to provide a thorough and balanced stream of high quality information to consumers through a brand new tele-media channel. 双方将协力透过一个崭新的电讯媒体频道为消费者提供全面及多元化的优质信息。
The combination is unexpected, and the result is devastating. 结合意想不到的是,其结果是灾难性的.
The combination of a crystallographic plane and, within that plane, a crystallographic direction along which slip (i.e., dislocation motion) occurs. 滑移面和该面上一个滑移方向的组合称为一个滑移系,晶体滑移(如位错的移动)可以沿该系统发生。
The combination of a foreign body and endobronchial actinomycosis is exceedingly rare in reviews. 异物吸入并发支气管内放线菌感染在文献回顾上更是非常少见。
The combination of a generic name, a specific name, and a subspecific name, that together constitute a scientific name of a subspecies [Art. 5.2]. 一个属名,一个种本名和一个亚种本名的组合,共同构成一个亚种的学名[第5条2]。
The combination of a sound personal philosophy and a positive attitude about ourselves and the world around us gives us an inner strength and a firm resolve that influences all the other areas of our existence. 我们如果能拥有正确的人生哲学和积极的人生态度,能够正确地看待自己和周围的一切,我们便一定会拥有发自内心的生活动力和坚定的生活信念,从而影响到我们人生的方方面面。
The combination of all sounds along with a rich mixture of captivating choruses and instrumental solos create a roller-coaster of contrasting emotions which are unleashed on stage; a wave of melody and sound which make one think of exotic scenery like sun 动人的合唱、器乐伴奏独唱,各种声音交替出现,此起彼伏,强烈碰撞的激情在舞台上释放,起伏流畅的旋律让人如临其境,日出,日落,太阳下的欢聚,晚间的小夜曲,交织着爱之欢乐,情之忧伤。
The combination of cellular automata with available fields, for example, geography information system, for further applications was suggested. 此外,利用细胞自动机研究其他复杂自然现象,可经由文中介绍的基本建构步骤,建立欲探讨现象的细胞自动机模拟模式。

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