It's my felicity in my heart, even I know it is very bitter.
那是我心中的幸福,我知道它是苦苦的。 |
It's my felicity in my heart, even I know it's very bitter.
那是我心中的幸福,我知道它是苦苦的。 |
It's my felicity in my heart, evern I know it's very bitter.
那是我心中的幸福,我知道它是苦苦的。 |
It's my final offer. Take it or leave it.
这是我最后的供应。买或不买随你。 |
It's my first time bere and I've been looking forward to it.
这是我第一次到这里,我一直盼望着来。 |
It's my first week here so I'm not yet au fait with the system.
我刚来不到一个星期, 对这里的制度还不太熟悉. |
It's my first week here so I'm not yet au fait with the system.
我刚来不到一个星期,对这里的制度还不太熟悉. |
It's my great honor and pleasure representing the Kaoushung International and 2003 Modern Pentathlon 11th Asian Championships to welcome the participation of all the distinguished Athletes and Guests.
谨代表2003年高雄市国际赛暨第十一届亚洲现代五项运动锦标赛筹备会及中华台北现代五项暨冬季两项运动协会向所有参与盛会的贵宾、选手致最诚挚的欢迎之意。 |
It's my habit to take a nap at noon .
我有个睡午觉的习惯。 |
It's my habit to take a nap at noon.
我有个睡午觉的习惯。 |
It's my hen night: What a riotous night I had at the trendy Bar Solo in Camden, North London.
新娘独白:这是我所参加的婚前女子派对:这是一个多么美妙的狂欢之夜啊! |