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They persuaded me to adopt the live-and-let-live policy.

They persist in solving problems by themselves. 他们坚持自己解决问题.
They persist on having the problem solved themselves . 他们坚持自己解决问题.
They persisted with the agricultural reforms, despite opposition from the farmers. 他们不顾农民反对, 仍继续进行农业改革.
They personalize their multiple works with their own style and sensation by sensitivities and criticalness of their own. 他们以自身的敏锐和批判性,带来了各自风格和观感的多维作品。
They persuaded him to disgorge the missing documents. 他们劝他吐出不见的文件。
They persuaded me to adopt the live-and-let-live policy. 他们劝我采取“睁一只眼,闭一只眼”的方针.
They pestered her to join in the scheme. 他们不断要求她参与那计画.
They picked up critters from as deep as 6km, and they did so using both typical trawling nets and a special box that was designed to scoop up a slab of ocean floor along with a slice of undisturbed water from immediately above it. 她们用传统的拖网和一种经过特别设计的盒子在深度达6千米的区域捕捞微生物,这个盒子可以铲起海底泥土和吸入它正上部未被碰到过的海水。
They picked up the ship on their radar screen. 他们在雷达屏上看到了那艘船。
They picked up the yacht on their radar screen. 他们在雷达屏上看到了那艘游艇.
They piled the cart with fruit and vegetables. 他们把水果和蔬菜装上大车。

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