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Makes the victim's body break out in boils. When used in conjunction with the Jelly-Legs Jinx it causes tentacles to sprout all over the victim's face.

Makes sure that you cast Kill Command on your pet's target. Otherwise, the spell will go to waste. (确保你的目标也是宠物的目标,否则就浪费了:奇怪,这也要宏?)
Makes the brief review afterwards to our country electronic commerce developing process, from aspect and so on environment condition, profession and local condition makes the multianalysis to our country electronic commerce development present situation a 之后对我国电子商务的发展过程作简要回顾,从环境状况、行业和地区状况等方面对我国电子商务的发展现状作详细分析并表述电子商务在我国对外贸易中的地位和作用,分析在发展中存在的问题,如缺乏战略规划和政策支持上的不足、相应法律法规标准规范的滞后等。
Makes the chance of an opponent riposting an offhand attack 20% lower per rank. 每一阶可以降低对手反击副手武器攻击机率20%。要求:等级66。
Makes the compaction process more efficient and improves the end result: quality improvement, time and energy savings. 使压实过程更加有效,且提高的压实效果:即,质量提高了,而节约了时间和能源。
Makes the practice when at the hospital, In the Physical therapy department, Director Liu in explanation Chinese medicine actual utilization, Schoolmates watched the fire cured, the moxibustion mysterious effect! 在医院作实习时,理疗部刘主任在讲解中医的实际运用,同学们观看到了的火疗、灸疗的神奇功效!
Makes the victim's body break out in boils. When used in conjunction with the Jelly-Legs Jinx it causes tentacles to sprout all over the victim's face. 使得受害者的身体突然沸腾,当和腿立僵停死一起使用的时候可以使得受害者满脸萌发触角。
Makes the world-class digital television brand is Haier's pursue and the goal! 打造世界级数字电视品牌是海尔的追求和目标!
Makes use of existing international standards wherever applicable, and itself conforms to established documentation guidelines for international standards. 充分利用现有的国际标准,并使自身保持与现有国际标准已确定的方针的一致。
Makes working plan according to departmental working plan. 根据公司及部门工作计划,制定自己分管工作的计划。
Makes you think, doesn't it? 这令人深思,不是吗?】
Makeshift dwellings were thrown up almost overnight. 几乎是一夜之间就匆匆搭起了一些临时住房。

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