His speech was a head-on denunciation of the unpopular new policy.
他的发言是对不得人心的新政策的迎头痛斥。 |
His speech was a load of crap.
他的演讲词通篇是废话。 |
His speech was a masterpiece of ambiguity.
他的演说极尽含糊笼统。 |
His speech was an affront to all members of the community .
他的话对社区所有成员是故意的侮辱。 |
His speech was an affront to all members of the community.
他的话对社区所有成员是故意的侮辱。 |
His speech was an affront to them.
他的演说对他们来说是冒犯。 |
His speech was an assault on tradition.
他的演说是对传统的一次侵害。 |
His speech was an reflection of the public mood.
他的演讲准确反映了公众的心声。 |
His speech was calculated to stir up the crowd.
他讲的话是有意鼓动群众的. |
His speech was duly recorded in the minutes.
他的演说在当时被妥当地记录。 |
His speech was favorably received.
他的演讲很受欢迎。 |