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The earth rotates on its axis once every 24 hours.

The earth reels to and fro like a drunkard And it totters like a shack, For its transgression is heavy upon it, And it will fall, never to rise again. 赛24:20地要东倒西歪、好像醉酒的人.又摇来摇去、好像吊床.罪过在其上沉重、必然塌陷、不能复起。
The earth represents the third dimension. 地球代表第三个维度。
The earth revolves round the sun (on its axis). 地球(以太阳为轴)绕太阳公转。
The earth revolves round the sun. 地球环绕太阳运行。
The earth rotates as it travels through space. 当地球通过太空时,它在转动。
The earth rotates on its axis once every 24 hours. 地球每24小时依其轴心自转一次。
The earth seems to be smaller,compared with the sun. 地球和太阳比起来显得比较小。
The earth suddenly began to quake. 地面突然开始震动。
The earth takes shape like clay under a seal; its features stand out like those of a garment. 14因这光,地面改变如泥上印印,万物出现如衣服一样。
The earth together with all its inhabitants and created things. 世界地球及其上面的所有居住者和被创造的事物
The earth travels around the sun. 地球围绕太阳旋转。

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