TAURUS (Apr. 21- May 21) The brawny Bull has endurance and stamina galore, which would best be put toward sports like rowing, weight lifting, tug-of-war, rugby, gardening or cricket.
忍耐力和持久力都很强的金牛喜欢划船、举重、拔河、橄榄球、园艺、板球等运动。 |
TAURUS (Apr. 21- May 21) The patient Bull won't have a problem plodding through educational books or drawn-out suspense thrillers.
耐心的金牛座读枯燥的教育性书籍或漫长的悬念小说一点问题都没有。 |
TAURUS: Keenly tuned in to all five se es, Taurus a reciates things like bath salts and scented candles.
五官感觉都很敏锐的金牛座最喜欢浴盐、香味蜡烛之类的礼物。 |
TAURUS: Keenly tuned in to all five senses, Taurus appreciates things like bath salts and scented candles.
五官感觉都很敏锐的金牛座最喜欢浴盐、香味蜡烛之类的礼物。 |
TAURUS: goes over the same spot a million times with the vacuum, refusing to bend down to pick up the offending crumb.
倔强的金牛座宁可不厌其烦地用吸尘器吸脏物,也不愿弯下腰来直接捡起纸屑。 |
TAURUS:Tends to buy two boxes of chocolates and leave only the orange ones for you.
金牛座会买两盒巧克力,然后只剩下橙色的给你,其余的全吃掉。 |
TAXPAYER funds will be used to buy back environmental water flows from irrigators to help restore one of Australia's most environmentally significant wetlands.
纳税人的资金将会用于购买灌溉设备,通过灌溉设备引水,重现注入澳大利亚最具有重大环境意义的湿地之一。 |
TAe man abjured his religion.
那个人发誓放弃他的宗教信仰。 |
TAll mankind are beholden to him that is kind to the good.
行善者,人人铭记之。 |
TB can also lead to a granulomatous pericarditis that may calcify and produce a constrictivepericarditis.
TB还可以导致肉芽肿性心包炎,进而可能钙化和产生缩窄性心包炎。 |
TB causes a high body temperature and coughing.
结核病会造成高烧和咳嗽。 |