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A child with a quiet and reserved personality may become easily overlooked by his parents. Therefore, parents should be observant and patient and encourage him to express himself.

A child who is allowed to explore with real mathematical objects at an early, motor-sensorial age stands a good chance of becoming a real math lover later in life. 孩子在他的早期以感性认识为主的阶段可以接触到真实的数学物体,能够使他有更大的机会成为一个真正的数学爱好者。
A child who is learning to speak may often make grammar mistakes or mix up his Chinese and English. 正在练习说话的孩子常会有文法错误或中英文混杂的情况,父母可以选择国语或英文回覆孩子。
A child who listens to a story nightly receives a huge head start in life. 每晚听故事,给孩子一个极好的开始。
A child whose welfare is now under the aegis of the courts. 儿童福利现在处于法庭的保护之下
A child with a problem, then he feels what he will probably get from his parents is incomprehension or criticism, will go instead to his friends for sympathy and advice, leaving the parents totally unaware of the problem he has. 一个碰到问题的孩子,当他觉得他从他的父母那里得到的有可能是不理解或者批评的时候,就会去找他的朋友们寻求同情和建议,而其父母对其问题却全然不知。
A child with a quiet and reserved personality may become easily overlooked by his parents. Therefore, parents should be observant and patient and encourage him to express himself. 个性文静的孩子,通常不会作过份的要求,而容易被父母忽略,因此对于此类型孩子您需要细心观察孩子的特性、鼓励他表达,用更多的耐心来帮助他学习。
A child's changing behavior may show his changing concern with different features of his activity. 一个儿童行为的改变,可能表明他的注意力已因其活动特点的不同而转变。
A child's education shall begins at least one hundred years before he was born. 儿童教育,应该在还未出生的一百年前开始。
A child's first library of values. 孩子的第一套品德教育文库.
A childhood spent on the farm may provide life-long protection against certain allergies including hay fever, Dr. Benedicte Leynaert of INSERM Unite in Paris, France, and colleagues conclude. 巴黎的一些研究人员日前发表的成果显示,在农场长大的人对诸多过敏症有更强的免疫力。
A childhood terror paralyzed me on the spot, and my mouth filled with a livid saliva, but I walked with my mother into the crowded space that once had been the pharmacy's laboratory, and had been outfitted as an emergency bedroom. 一种儿时的恐惧顿时充斥我的全身,我嘴里涌出大量紫色的口水,但我不得不跟着我妈走到那个隔板后面,那儿曾经是这个药房的实验室,后来还曾被改作临时卧室。

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