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In the retro scenery of a ballroom, a man and a woman, dressed for a Latino dance contest and armed with boxing gloves, perform an accelerated choreography to the sound of ruffling drums.

In the reserve there are perennially snow-topped mountain peaks, verdant and lush forests and stretches of serene lakes. 区内有终年积雪的山峰、苍翠繁茂的森林、宁静悠远的湖泊。
In the rest of this article, we expand upon each of these points in turn. 下面各章节,将依次展开介绍以上各点。
In the restrooms of that cyber cafe,dad connected to mom. 并在网吧的洗手间你妈和我使用了超级链接。
In the restructuring, CNPC injected into PetroChina most of the assets and liabilities of CNPC relating to its exploration and production, refining and marketing, chemicals and natural gas businesses. 在重组过程中,中国石油集团向中国石油注入了与勘探和生产、炼制和营销、化工产品和天然气业务有关的大部分资产和负债。
In the resulting dialog box, select the following check box in the Proxy Server section: Use a Proxy Server For Your LAN (These Settings Will Not Apply To Dial-up Or VPN Connections). 在对话框中,在“代理服务器”节中选定下列选择框:为LAN使用代理服务器(这些设置不会应用于拨号或VPN连接)。
In the retro scenery of a ballroom, a man and a woman, dressed for a Latino dance contest and armed with boxing gloves, perform an accelerated choreography to the sound of ruffling drums. 在重新流行一个舞厅,一男人和一妇女的风景内,为打扮一名拉丁美洲人跳舞比赛和用拳击手套武装,表演对弄乱鼓的声音的加速的设计。
In the review meeting, in order to save time, the only aim is finding problems, not solving problems. 在评审会议上,为节省时间,唯一目的是发现问题,而不是解决问题。
In the review, we provide an introduction to various segmentation algorithms found in the literature. 在对人体组织器官和感兴趣区域的分割中,三维分割发挥着十分重要的作用。
In the revisionist Marie Antoinette,writer-director Sofia Coppola and actress Kirsten Dunst take a remote and no doubt misunderstood historical figure, the controversial and often despised Queen of France at the time of the French Revolution, and brings h 在修正主义派的影片《绝代艳后》中,作者兼导演索非亚?科波拉以及女演员克尔斯滕?邓斯特携手演绎了一个历史久远的,无可置疑地被误解的历史人物,即在法国大革命时期,充满争议,遭人鄙视的法国王后,将她作为一个具有缺点,弱点,激情,智慧,以及热情的普通人带入观众的视角。
In the revolving restaurant at the top of Shu-du Mansion. 在蜀都大厦顶上的旋转餐厅。
In the rhythm of quartet, the function of viola is to strengthen the medium part. 摘要在弦乐四重奏中,中提琴的作用是充实中声部。

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