This thesis elaborates a self-developed measuring equipment for Pulse Oximetry.This unit can output the standard Oximetry test signal comparatively with difference sensors of the tested pulse oximetry, include pulse rate, peep and oxygen saturation. |
中文意思: 所述脉搏血氧仪校准装置,它能产生一个与被检脉搏血氧仪传感器类型相对应的标准血氧测试信号,包括脉率、脉冲幅度和血氧饱和度。 |
This thesis can provide useful reference for cargo claims arising from through transport.
期能提供货主求偿之参考,并使联运运送人之责任能更为明确。 |
This thesis carries on an analysis about how to quarantee the effective, steady and normal going of library network, concerning management on network breakdowns, ways and steps to fix network breakdowns, common orders to test library network, general ways
摘要从网络故障管理内容、网络故障排除步骤及方法、常用的网络测试命令、网络故障常见排除等几个方面探讨如何高效、稳定地保证图书馆网络正常运行。 |
This thesis concerns the preliminary bilingual teaching experiment employed in gymnastics class.
摘要本文介绍了体操课中运用双语教学的初步实验。 |
This thesis deals with the feudal ownership of land and feudal tenancy relationships.
本文主要讨论了其封建土地占有制及租佃关系的形成与发展。 |
This thesis discusses the conception of ratio and algorithm procedures concerned.Procedures of applied problems of proportion may be sum up the elementary methods of jinyou and its principle of qitong.These display mutual relations on algorithmic mechaniz
本文探讨率之概念及有关算法.各种比例应用问题的解法程序都可归为率的最基本算法今有术及其算法原理齐同术,从而表现出在机械化程序方面的相互关系.率是中国传统数学许多理论的基础和算法的源泉. |
This thesis elaborates a self-developed measuring equipment for Pulse Oximetry.This unit can output the standard Oximetry test signal comparatively with difference sensors of the tested pulse oximetry, include pulse rate, peep and oxygen saturation.
所述脉搏血氧仪校准装置,它能产生一个与被检脉搏血氧仪传感器类型相对应的标准血氧测试信号,包括脉率、脉冲幅度和血氧饱和度。 |
This thesis enumerates four types of perfective aspect markers in Bai Yu Jing: perfective adverb, perfective modal particle, perfective verb and perfective auxiliary verb.
摘要《百喻经》是中古时期口语色彩较浓的佛经故事集,其中的完成体标记系统包括4类成员:完成体副词、完成体语气词、完成体动词和完成体助词。 |
This thesis establishes a new method of the virtual and dynamic simulative design of visual display unit in real time, when designing visual display unit through studying its ergonomics problem with the principle of human factors engineering and introduci
摘要通过对视觉显示装置在设计时的工效学问题的研究,以人因工程学为原理,并引入组态软件仿真的系统方法,建立视觉显示装置虚拟动态实时模拟设计的新方法。 |
This thesis expatiates the rationality and validity of accommodation from views of the philosophy, legal theory, constitution and law, and demonstrates the inevitability and necessity of the accommodation and supplement.
本文从哲理、法理、宪法和法律等方面阐述了变通的合理与合法性,论证了婚姻法变通或补充的必然性和必要性。 |
This thesis expounds on two sides: One is the basis and modes of our country to run schools in the way of internationalization, the other is the necessity, basis, objective and counter-measures for the education internationalization of our university.
从国家层面论述国际化办学的基础与模式,从学校层面阐明上海大学开展国际化办学的必要性、办学基础、可借鉴的几种模式以及国际化办学目标和对策。 |
This thesis expounds the origin and development of Chinese culture of filial piety at different periods and its cultural implications.
孝文化是一个复杂的文化现象,从不同的视角来审视可以得出不同的结论。 |