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The basic institutional framework has encouraged the development of political and economic organizations that have replaced the traditional functions of the family; mitigated the insecurity associated with a world of specialization; evolved flexible econo

The basic idea of keeping elbows off the table is eat and to let others eat in peace and without friction. 用餐时不要将肘支在餐桌上这一礼仪所包含的基本思想是,自己吃,也让别人能安稳地吃,避免吃饭时发生摩擦。
The basic idea was to take a materialistic view of human nature. 此想法的基本概念,就是以唯物主义的观点看待人性。
The basic ideas and motivations underlying the wavelet approach will be given, together with some examples. 我们会举出构成微波方法基础的基本概念与演进,并佐以实例。。
The basic ideas for the work of the government this year are: to take Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents as our guide;// to conscientiously put into practice the guidelines of the Sixteenth National Congress of the Party an 政府工作的基本思路是:以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,认真贯彻党的十六大和十六届三中、四中全会精神,坚持用科学发展观统领经济社会发展全局,加强和改善宏观调控,以改革开放为动力推进各项工作,构建社会主义和谐社会,推动社会主义物质文明、政治文明和精神文明共同进步。
The basic ideas of socialist harmonious society are built not only on the great practice of China's reformation, but also on the deep theory of dialectic materialism and historic materialism. 摘要构建社会主义和谐社会的基本理念既建立在我国改革发展伟大实践的基础之上,也建立在辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的深厚理论基础之上。
The basic institutional framework has encouraged the development of political and economic organizations that have replaced the traditional functions of the family; mitigated the insecurity associated with a world of specialization; evolved flexible econo 基本的制度框架已经鼓励了政治和经济组织的发展,它已经代替了(但是不完全的)家庭的传统作用;缓解了与全球专业化相关的不安全性;发展了带有低交易费用的灵活的经济组织;解决了一些等级制度激励不相容的问题;鼓励了创造性的企业家才能;解决了(又是不完全的)外部效应,不仅是环境的而且在城市世界中是社会的。
The basic intension of Zhou Zuo-ren's humanistic thought was before and after the May 4th Movement: Humanitarianism of personal standard. 摘要“五四”前后周作人人道主义思想的基本内涵为:个人本位的人道主义。
The basic key elements of engineering geological environment in the district of Yantai city are analysed,main types of environme ntal engineering geological problems (EEGP) in the district of Yantai city are a lso studied,and counlermeasures of prevention 分析烟台市区工程地质环境基本要素,研究烟台市区环境工程地质问题的主要类型,并探讨烟台市区环境工程地质问题的系统防治技术。
The basic machanism is easy, it is based on the condition of equal energies – esoteric rule, the same attracts the same. 这个基本原理很容易,基于平衡能量—深奥的法则,同类相吸引。
The basic materials of Orval beer are spring water, malted two row barley, aromatic hops and candy sugar. 酿造欧瓦啤酒的基本原料是水,两穗大麦麦芽,芬芳啤酒花和糖。
The basic meaning that Chinese philosophy gives to poetics is the oneness between nature and culture, which constitutes the cosmopolitan background of Chinese poetics. 摘要中国哲学所赋予诗学的基本蕴涵是天人合一,它构成中国诗学的世界观背景①。

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