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When reading, parents can explain correct reading habits to their child such as reading from a certain distance, turning the book page by page, reading from top to bottom, or left to right.

When reacting to minor everyday pain, the child expresses discomfort but does not overreact. 当遇到轻微的日常伤痛后,孩子表现出不适,但没有过度的反应。
When reading a list of words quickly, we stumble over such words. 当快速阅读一大串单词时候,我们结结巴巴说这样的单词。
When reading or writing files, pressing ^T will invoke the file browser. Here, one can navigate directories in a graphical manner in order to find the desired file. 读写文件时,按下^T激活文件浏览器.以图形话的方式导航寻找需要的文件.
When reading palms, you first look at the shape of the hand and then the lines. 看手相的时候要先看手型,然后才看线纹。
When reading the poem Shangyang White-headed Eldersby poet BAT Ju-yi of the TONG Dynasty and the short story Companionby French novelist Emile Zola coherently, you will find that the development of history and the evolvement of civilization has never chan 摘要将我国唐代诗人白居易的诗歌《上阳白发人》和法国作家左拉的小说《陪衬人》作一个承接性的联读,发现历史的发展和文明的演进并没有改变女性受奴役、被伤害的命运。
When reading, parents can explain correct reading habits to their child such as reading from a certain distance, turning the book page by page, reading from top to bottom, or left to right. 当孩子看书时,父母可以教导其看书的方式,例如:一页一页地翻书,文字的阅读从上到下、由左到右;以培养孩子的正确的阅读习惯。
When ready to start centrifugal pumps, fully open suction valves and throttle discharge valves of a positive displacement. 当准备好启动离心式泵时,吸入阀全开,容积式排出阀节流。
When real property is acquired by purchase, a deed is given by the seller, or grantor, to the purchaser or grantee. 购买不动产时,卖方或授予人向买方或受让人提供契据。
When reality requires maximizers to compromise—to end a search and decide on something—apprehension about what might have been takes over. 当现实逼迫极大化者妥协、结束搜寻,并做决定时,他们又开始忧虑可能会出现比现在更好的选择。
When reassembling the check valves, make sure you install the correct spring into the correct check valve. 在重新组装止回阀时,要确保将正确的弹簧安装在正确的止回阀上。
When recalling the activity, a member says it likes a spring rain, which moistens his droughty heart in time, gives him the courage to hold the line and enhances his force to grow up. 一位会员在回忆这次活动时说到:“这次活动像一场春雨,及时滋润了我干涸的心田,给了我坚持下去的勇气,增加了我成长的力量。”

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