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No one has ever been able to domesticate the African elephant. Only the Indian elephant can be trained by man.

No one has cared for me since then. 她听了以后感觉很难过,就把我当成她自己的孩子。
No one has claimed responsibility. 目前没有人声称对这起事件负责。
No one has come forward with information about the murder. 没有一个人站出来提供有关谋杀的情况。
No one has confirmed what's in the bag now. 关于包内现存物品无人验证过。
No one has eer loed me the way you do. I loe being your little alentine. 从来没有人像你这般地爱我。我喜欢做你的小情人。
No one has ever been able to domesticate the African elephant. Only the Indian elephant can be trained by man. 从来没有人能驯服非洲象。只有印度象能接受人的训练。
No one has ever confirmed about the hidden final boss Fiend, but it could be possible. 从来没有人证实过隐藏的最终老大魔神,但也有可能。
No one has ever seen God, but God the One and Only, who is at the Father's side, has made him known. 爱子是那不能看见之神的像,圣经也告诉我们,他是神荣耀所发出的光辉,他是道路、真理、生命,[约1:18]从来没有人看见神。只有在父怀里的独生子将他表明出来。
No one has ever seen God; the only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared Him. 18从来没有人看见神,只有在父怀里的独生子,将祂表明出来。
No one has figured out the number of possible minimal grids, which would amount to the ultimate count of distinct Sudoku puzzles. 意思是说,如果从极小初盘再移走一个数字,就不可能有唯一解。
No one has given out a warning of the imminent danger. 没有人对即将发生的危险发出警告。

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