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A large sack designed to store a sleeping bag without compressing it. By keeping the insulation at its highest loft, it lasts longer and preserve its thermal efficiency longer .

A large proportion of the lab's efforts have gone towards finding a technique to directly control the behavior of one side of the synapse –the presynaptic one –by replacing it with an artificial terminal under our control. 本实验室主要致力于研发新技术,藉由替换一个我们控制之下的人工电极来直接控制突触单一侧(突触前)的行为。
A large proportion of the students were sick last week. 上星期大部分学生病了。
A large quantity of air-conditioners has been sold since the temperature is high. 因为气温很高,有大量空调售出。
A large rambling country estate. 一大片连绵的乡村地产
A large restriction exists in acquiring hydrodynamic field due to the insufficient data of water level in the course of exploration of in-situ leachable sandstone-type uranium deposit. 摘要在可地浸砂岩型铀矿床的找矿中,由于水位资料匮乏,水动力场研究受到很大的限制。
A large sack designed to store a sleeping bag without compressing it. By keeping the insulation at its highest loft, it lasts longer and preserve its thermal efficiency longer . 睡袋不用时的收纳袋,可保持睡袋内的保暖填充在不受压缩的状态,可延长睡袋使用的膨账度及保暖力,增加睡袋使用年限.
A large scale migration and accumulation took place during Later Himalayan movement,as a result a type of called remained gas pools with higher gas columns were formed. 喜山构造运动使研究区天然气重新大规模运移聚集,形成充满度很高的残余气藏。
A large scale of green algae hit the sea area of Rizhao over a week ago. 近日,山东日照北部近海7月下旬发现的大量漂浮丝状无毒性绿藻被清理完毕,日照市海水浴场逐渐恢复人气。
A large scale public green land at south side of central business zone will be established combining with water area, therefore, the water-side plaza can be formed to provide a meeting place for visitors, and following theme parks will be established: the 结合水面,在中心商务区南侧布置大型集中公共绿地,规划水广场可供游人聚会,并设有主题商业、文化娱乐、演艺中心、体育运动、湿地体验等特色主题公园;保留现状机场跑道南侧17公顷水杉林,形成森林公园;利用CBD北部山丘,形成具有郊野气氛的自然环境;结合社区绿化,设置儿童乐园和供老年朋友欢聚的老年之家。
A large school group from Japan has been quarantined in a hotel in the Rocky Mountain resort town of Banff after possibly being exposed to measles. 一个被怀疑接触了麻疹的日本学生旅游团在加拿大洛基山脉的旅游胜地班夫公园接受隔离保护。
A large section of the underground line was suspended, and authorities had to take hundreds of people off the train. 一大段地下线路露在外面,当局不得不把数百人带离地铁。

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