In country after country across the globe, people forced to flee natural disasters or man-made calamities share a common experience: seeing their lives turned upside down in the blink of an eye. |
中文意思: 在地球上的很多国家中,因天灾人祸而颠沛流离的人们都有着相同的一个经历,那就是生活在转眼间便发生了天翻地覆的变化. |
In countries like Somalia, with chaotic conditions at home and a huge diaspora, cash transfers by phone would be a boon.
在索马里这样国内情况非常混乱却拥有很多散落在世界各地侨民的国家,通过电话转移现金将会带来很大的福利。 |
In countries such as the US, strong domestic financial markets have helped finance innovation and reallocate resources to the most productive sectors.
在美国等国家,表现强劲的国内金融市场促进了金融创新,将资源重新配置到生产率最高的行业。 |
In countries that have not resorted to such measures, the inflationary effects of dearer oil have been offset by Chinese-led competition in manufactured goods, allowing central banks to keep interest rates low and monetary policies loose.
在没有采取此类措施的国家,高油价的通胀影响被中国主导的制成品竞争抵消,使各国央行得以保持低利率和宽松的货币政策。 |
In countries where hepatitis is not endemic, most malignant cancers in the liver are not primary liver cancer but metastasis (spread) of cancer from elsewhere in the body, e.g. the colon.
在肝炎不太流行的国家,最多见的肝脏恶性肿瘤不是原发性肝癌而是体内其他部位,如结肠癌症转移(扩散)所致。 |
In countries where societies or unions of translators are not yet in existence, it is suggested that translators should join forces to bring about the necessary establishment of such an organization, in accordance with the relevant legal requirements of t
在还未建立翻译工作者协会或联合会的国家,则建议这些国家的翻译工作者将自己的力量联合起来,以便在符合所在国法律的条件下建立这种必要的组织。 |
In country after country across the globe, people forced to flee natural disasters or man-made calamities share a common experience: seeing their lives turned upside down in the blink of an eye.
在地球上的很多国家中,因天灾人祸而颠沛流离的人们都有着相同的一个经历,那就是生活在转眼间便发生了天翻地覆的变化. |
In county, the waterfall, spring, brook and lake of high mountain are numerous , so as Li Su each minority mainly with clan, no matter folkway folk custom, it is religious , road and bridge and port flirtatious expressions etc. display uniqueness and myst
县内高山湖、瀑布、泉、溪流众多,以傈僳族为主的各少数民族,无论是民风民俗,宗教、路与桥、口岸风情等都展现着独特性与神秘性,这些旅游资源既体现了美学的观赏价值,又更多的体现历史文化及科考科普价值;能满足您不同旅游行为层次的需求。 |
In course of building a well-off society in an all-round way, the key to construction of socialism harmonious society is to harmonize urban-rural benefits relation by changing urban-rural dual structure, harmonize regional benefits relation by fulfilling
在全面建设小康社会的进程中,通过改变城乡二元结构协调好城乡之间利益关系、落实“两个大局”思想协调好区域之间利益关系、走可持续发展之路协调好代际之间的利益关系、完善法制保障体系协调好群体之间利益关系,是构建社会主义和谐社会的关键。 |
In course of selecting pressure gauge, what should be paid much attention is gauge type, measure range, precision, sensitivity, figuration dimension, long-distance transmission, and other performances, such as indicating, recording, adjusting and alarming
压力检测仪表的正确选用主要包括确定仪表的型式、量程、范围、准确度和灵敏度、外形尺寸以及是否需要远传和具有其他功能,如指示、记录、调节、报警等。 |
In course of sinking the well-shaft they came upon a deposit of a very rare mineral.
在把钻杆插入井下的过程中,他们意外地发现了一种稀有矿物的矿床。 |
In course of sinking the welt-shaft they came upon a deposit of a very rare mineral.
在凿井中,他们,偶然发现一个稀有矿物的矿床。 |