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Like the China Technology and Outsourcing Delivery Center in Dalian, the BPO delivery centers operate 24x7.

Like the Arcanum they pursue, such mages tend to be subtle, owing much less (despite what others might think) to bad horror movies and heavy metal than to a pervasive, cold and clinical outlook on Creation, one in which they have already perceived the des 就如同他们所追寻的奥秘,比起(不管其他人怎么想)因劣质恐怖电影和重金属之影响,冷酷默然的观念更使这些法师逐渐变得神经质,那使他们所理解万物的宿命以及从严酷的考验中剥离他们的恐惧的,就是那万物必须适时死亡的认知.
Like the Armour's iron brace. 像盔甲的铁支撑臂一样。
Like the Beckhams, whose move to LA is in just three weeks away, Dame Helen also shares a home in America with husband Taylor Hackford. 贝克汉姆一家移居洛杉矶仅有三周时间,而海伦爵士和丈夫泰勒·海克福特在美国也有一个家。
Like the British public, the American professors think chief executives are ludicrously overpaid. 与英国公众—样,美国教授也觉得首席执行官的薪酬高得离谱。
Like the Buddha, Lao-tzu found the things prized by the world—rank, luxury, and glamour—to be empty, worthless values when compared with the ultimate value of the peaceful inner life. 和佛教一样,老子认世人追求的名誉,地位,财富与平静的内心世界比起来都是虚无的,没有价值的。
Like the China Technology and Outsourcing Delivery Center in Dalian, the BPO delivery centers operate 24x7. 与埃森哲在大连的信息技术和外包交付中心一样,我们的业务流程外包交付中心也是全天候运营。
Like the Dolphins, we communicated telepathically. 象海豚一样,我们用心灵感应进行交流。
Like the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each one shows his or her special prowess. 八仙过海,各显神通。
Like the Esperanto fellowship, scores of other Rotary Fellowships share an international vision. 就像世界语联谊会一样,其他数十种扶轮联谊会也有一样的国际观。
Like the Galactic Civil War waged by the Rebellion and the Empire, the Clone Wars are too big to contain in just the films. 就像发生在帝国和反抗军之间的银河系内战(星球大战第四五六集),克隆人战争实在是太大以至于不能够仅仅在电影中叙述。
Like the Kiev, the Minsk (berthed near Hong Kong) has been turned into a tourist attraction having first been studied closely by Chinese naval engineers. 同“基辅”一样,“明克斯”(停靠在香港附近)如今也成为了旅游景点,之前中国海军的工程师对它进行了密切的研究。

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