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The new mayor promised to stamp out street crimes in four years.

The new managing director will act as spearhead of the campaign. 新上任的常务董事将在这场运动中挂帅。
The new managing director will not be successful if he goes on bossing the staff about. 如果这位新任总经理继续把职员们呼来喝去,他的工作是不会取得成功的。
The new mandate for HR requires dramatic change in how HR professionals think and behave. 新的使命也需要HR在思想和行动上产生巨大的变更。
The new mayor earned some appreciation by the courtesy of coming to visit the city poor. 新市长有礼貌地前来访问城市贫民,获得了他们的一些好感。
The new mayor has promised to clean up the city by getting rid of all the criminals. 新市长许诺通过清除所有的犯罪分子来净化这个城市。
The new mayor promised to stamp out street crimes in four years. 新市长许诺将在4年之内打击扑灭街头犯罪。
The new measure will also allow authorities to track the sale of apartments, ensuring that all of them have been put on the market. 新的规定将允许权威机构监视房屋的销售资金,保证所有资金都已经用于市场。
The new measures follow recommendations by a task force, set up by the government to come up with proposals to improve behaviour in schools. 这些新措施是遵循政府所设的一支工作小组的建议,而该小组的成立宗旨就是要提出方案来端正学生的行为。
The new mechanics was called by Santilli Hadronic Mechanics to characterize the description of strongly interacting particles, such as the nuclear constituents, collectively called hadrons, under conventional long-range potential, as well as short-range, 桑蒂利将这种新型的力学称之为强子力学以描述强烈相互作用粒子的特征,象核的要素那样,将处于传统较长距离范围潜势状态,以及处于处于很短距离范围、非线性、非局部和非潜势相互作用状态的粒子统称为强子。
The new mechanism is used to improve the accuracy and conviction of university middle-level cadre's assessment. 通过新的考核机制提高高校中层领导干部考核评价结果的准确性和说服力。
The new menu contains data on player's names and primary class, so if you see the perfect dagger for a rogue, there's no confusion about who the rogue in the party is. 新菜单项包含的数据有玩家的名字和主要职业,这样当你想把一把号匕首给游荡者,就不会不知道队里谁是游荡者。

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