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Sports stores sell athletic shoes and clothing for every possible exercise situation.

Sports originates from the aspiration and inner drive required by continuous self-improvement of the human. 运动/源自人类对自身进步不断要求的渴望与内在驱动。
Sports pages are placed on the wall over urinals in some restaurant restrooms, ESPN Zone in New York City has television sets tuned to sports inside its 15 restroom stalls, and the John Michael Kohler Arts Center in Sheboygan, Wis., has turned its six res 黄温泉村有人口3700名,走在村中街道上,人们似乎又回到了上世纪60年代,村民穿的是扎染的服装或是一身嬉皮士打扮出现在街头,街边散布着许多艺术品手工作坊。
Sports stadiums are important material supports for the development of sports industry. 摘要体育场馆是体育产业开发的重要硬件。
Sports star is an athletic image with high level popularity and reputation made by utilizing mass media and presented to the public. 摘要体育明星是利用大众传媒打造并展现在大众面前的具有较高知名度、美誉度的运动员形象。
Sports stars such as the NBA's Yao Ming have already been produced by the athletic-minded community; meanwhile, Beijing has been tapped to host the 2008 Summer Olympics. 运动明星像NBA的姚明是从就是从体育协会培养出来的,北京预计在2008年举办夏季奥运会。
Sports stores sell athletic shoes and clothing for every possible exercise situation. 运动商品店里售有各种运动项目所需的运动鞋和服装。
Sports tour has emerged as a new subject of research in the field of tourism studies both at home and abroad. 摘要体育旅游是近年来国内外旅游研究中的新兴课题。
Sports vary according to seasons and climate. 体育运动项目随着季节和气候而变化。
Sports wears, no less than suits, are very much saleable . 运动服和西服套一样,非常畅销。
Sports wears, no less than suits, are very much saleable. 运动服和西服套一样,非常畅销。
Sports, though important, should not dominate our schools. 运动虽然重要,但不应在学校中占首要地位。

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