Looking at you, I feel myself just as lowered by your charm as down into the dust, but deep in my heart my love for you blossoms cheerly.
望着你时,我觉得自己很低很低,低到了尘埃里,只是我的心里是喜欢的,于是从尘埃里开出花。(这是张爱玲写给恋人胡兰成的一句话,一度很喜欢,也来试着译一下. |
Looking back and into the future, our joint project having stood the test of time and quality, the groundbreaking achievement has been extraordinary, it has gathered valuable experience and broken national boundaries with unprecedented success, as a model
回顾过去、展望未来,我们的合作项目经历了时间和教学质量的考验,突破了国界,积累了经验,成为中英教育合作的一个成功的范例,我因此倍感自豪。 |
Looking back at what has been achieved in the 40 years since ASEAN led the way towards regional cooperation, there can be no doubt that the region will make the most of the opportunities, and meet the challenges, that lie before it.
回首40年来,在东盟主导下,亚太地区不断走向区域合作,并取得了斐然的成绩,毫无疑问,亚太地区将充分利用面前机遇,迎接直接的挑战。 |
Looking back in time, one of the recurring images I ll never forget is to see Kaiser Franz with just raising his hand, putting the entire opposing team offside.
回首往昔岁月,一个在我脑海中久久萦绕不去的画面,便是巴雷西队长略一抬手,令对手全部处于越位位置。 |
Looking back is always great; I've had a ton of fun in retrospect.
回忆起来总觉得了不起;回想起过去带给我无穷无尽的乐趣。 |
Looking back on eight years of struggle, Border Region officials were able to congratulate themselves on the following accomplishments.
回顾过去八年抗战的斗争历程,边区的干部对他们所取得的胜利成果感到自豪。 |
Looking back on history, we can find that human's handling the relationship between history and reality and researching into whether history helps understand the national conditions have experienced three stages from the ancient fact finding to the modern
摘要反思历史,人类在如何处理历史与现实的关系及研究历史是否有助于国情的认识这个问题上,经历了古代的事实借鉴、近代的哲学思考和现代马克思主义科学论证三个阶段。 |
Looking back on its last five-year reform by local governments, the text gives some suggestion to solve the difficulties mentioned, thus to perfect the department budget.
5年的改革过去了,本文通过对地方政府部门预算改革的检视,对解决部门预算编制中的难点,完善部门预算提出了建议措施。 |
Looking back on the modern developmental track of Suzhou, it is not hard to find the invisible but deep influence power of historical potential factors, which enlightens thinking about the economic and social development pattern of a region in the future.
反观近代以来苏州社会的历史轨迹,不难发现历史规定性无形而深刻的影响力,对于未来区城经济社会的发展样式同样发人深省。 |
Looking back over the past, we work together with you, despite the rocky, rely on the good faith and diligence in the cause of grumbling but you full support, has made great strides in development.
回首以往,我们与大家并肩携手,几经坎坷,依靠真诚与勤奋,酷酷事业在你们鼎力支持下,取得了长足的发展。 |
Looking back over this past year, I can say it has truly been an eventful one.
回顾这过去的一年,我可以说这真的是多事的一年。 |