He's not playing his shots well his timing is faulty.
他没打好--时间掌握不当. |
He's not qualified for this job.
他不能胜任这项工作。 |
He's not quite a gentleman.
他不太算是正人君子。 |
He's not suited to be a mercenary, to cut himself off from his country, his planet.
他不适于做一个唯利是图的人,使自己同自己的国家,星球断绝关系。 |
He's not the man who are arrogant when you admire him a bit.
他又不是那种你稍微夸奖他会就得意忘形的人。 |
He's not the only one.
休斯不是唯一一位拉伤的。 |
He's not the type to forget about the past.
(他不是那种容易忘记过去的人。) |
He's not up to the part of Othello.
(他演不了奥赛罗这个角色。) |
He's not very friendly to newcomers.
他对新来的人不大友好。 |
He's not very friendly to/towards newcomers.
他对新来者不太友善。 |
He's not very good at description .
他不大擅长描写叙述. |