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The college possesses one national key research base of humanities and social sciences - The Center for Agricultural and Rural Development(co-built with other colleges and institutes), four research centers - The Center for Technological Innovation and In

The college is on vacation. 这所学院正是在放假期间。
The college jumped him from instructor to full professor. 大学突然把他从讲师提升为正教授。
The college library management should is human-orientedand reader-oriented, with the specific measures as follows: to satisfy librarians' self-respect and self-realization; to strengthen librarians' continuing education; to create appropriate liberal envi 摘要高校图书馆管理要实行“以馆员为本”的管理理念和“以读者为本”的服务理念,其具体措施包括:满足馆员的自尊和自我实现需要,强化对馆员的继续教育机制;为读者建设宜于阅读的人文环境和适合使用的信息资源;要使为读者服务的内容、手段和形式不断创新等。
The college management, we must manage the school, especially on legal proceedings or reasonable procedures for administration of the school principle. 高校管理中,必须贯彻依法治校,尤其是依法律程序或合理程序治校的原则。
The college offers a crash course in English from beginners’ to Entrance Examination level in one year. 该学院开设英语速成课程,一年之内将初学者的英文水平提高到大学入学考试的水平。
The college possesses one national key research base of humanities and social sciences - The Center for Agricultural and Rural Development(co-built with other colleges and institutes), four research centers - The Center for Technological Innovation and In 学院拥有一个国家级人文社科重点研究基地农业现代化与农村发展研究中心;七个校级交叉学科研究中心:浙江大学技术创新与科技产业发展研究中心、浙江大学人力资源与战略发展研究中心、浙江大学创新与发展研究中心、民本经济与管理研究中心、浙江大学房地产研究中心、浙江大学资本市场与会计研究中心、企业成长研究中心;十二个研究所:管理科学与信息系统研究所、管理工程研究所、人力资源管理研究所、财务与会计研究所、企业组织与战略研究所、营销管理研究所、决策优化研究所、企业投资研究所、旅游研究所、饭店管理研究所、农村经济发展研究所、乡
The college refused to refund her tuition. 学校拒绝退还她的学费。
The college rents these houses only to professors. 学院只把这些房子租给教授们。
The college runs summer courses for Chinese learners of English. 这所学院为学习英语的中国人开设了暑期班。
The college students are active to crusade against the nuclear weapons. 大学生们积极投入开展反对核武器的运 动。
The college students are active to crusade against the nuclear weapons. 大学生们积极投入开展反对核武器的运动。

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