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Results Typical pathological features were observed in the 7 patients with scrotum Paget disease, including A patient, A patients and B patient.
果 病理切片 7例均可见Paget病的典型特征。 其中A期 0例 ,A期 例 ,B期 例。

Results This series consisted of well-differentiated, myxoid, round-cell, pleomorphic and dedifferentiated liposarcoma. 果 例腹膜后原发性脂肪肉瘤中,高分化 例,黏液性例,圆形细胞性 例,多形性例,去分化脂肪肉瘤例。
Results Three positive clones were retrieved. They were Titin NB isoform,Filamin C isoform and inter-alpha trypsin inhibitor heavy chain precursor (ITIH). 果 筛选得到 个蛋白质分别为肌联蛋白 (Titin ) NB亚型, 细丝蛋白 (Filamin ) C亚型即γ Filamin和α胰蛋白酶抑制物重链前体 (inter alphatrypsin inhibitor heavy chain precursor, ITIH)。
Results Through cure period insides to ovulate were examples(0.00%); 果 经治疗 个周期内排卵人数为 例(0.00%)。
Results Through the spectrophotometer scanning, the peak value of the osazone is admitted as 88~9 nm, temperature is the important influence factor in the course. 果 经分光光度扫描,脎的峰值吸收为 88~9nm,温度是测定过程中的重要影响因素。
Results Two cases were received trans femoral detachable balloons embolization and the orbital souffle disappeared at the second day after surgery and exophthalmos improved markedly. 果 本文 例行股动脉插管可脱球囊栓塞术后第二天杂音消失 ,眼球突出明显好转。
Results Typical pathological features were observed in the 7 patients with scrotum Paget disease, including A patient, A patients and B patient. 果 病理切片 7例均可见Paget病的典型特征。 其中A期 0例 ,A期 例 ,B期 例。
Results Unusual concentration of eadionuclide in bone was observed in 0 cases,including cases of multi bone or multi local concentration and cases of monolocal concentration with lesion presence mainly in vertebrae thoracales,os costae and pelvis. 果 骨放射性异常浓聚 0例 ,其中多骨性、多灶性浓聚 例 ,单骨性浓聚 例 ,病灶以胸椎、肋骨、骨盆多见。
Results Urinary bladder adenocarcinoma occured more commonly in males than in females at a ratio of .∶. These lesions included cases of primary bladder adenocarcinoma and cases of urachal carcinoma. 果 膀胱腺癌男性多见 ,男女之比为 . ∶。
Results We could find that the rate was 9% for the normal nipples,8% for the abnormal nipples which included the rate of .% for the hereditary and inverted nipples,.% for the acquired inverted nipples,and 0.% for the non inverted nipples. 异常乳头 8% ,其表现为有或无乳头内陷两大类 :有乳头内陷者中先天性 . % ,后天性 . % ; 无乳头内陷者 0 . %。
Results When loaded in the direction of the long axis of the pontic,fracture strengths of RBFPDs reinforced by GF significantly increased with values of 97. ± 90. N ; 果 由切端顺牙长轴方向垂直加力时 ,经纤维强化的粘结桥的折裂力值较未经强化的粘结桥的折裂力值出现了显著的提高 ,达到 97.± 90 . N ;
Results With the concentration of arsenic trioxide increasing, the iNOS and NO contents were decreased, the expressions of iNOS and VEGF were subdued gradually, which became evident when the dose of ars enic trioxide reached . mg·kg~- ·d~- (P<0.0). 果 As O 作用后肿瘤组织内的iNOS、NO含量下降,iNOS、VEGF蛋白表达逐渐下降,在 .mg·kg-·d-组出现统计学意义(P<0 .0 )。

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