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Accordingly, the higher the vibrating frequency, the smaller the surface roughness, and the longer the tool life.

Accordingly, the Subscriber agrees to compensate the Company any loss attributable to the fault of the Subscriber. 如会员原因造成本公司无法正常提供服务,会员应承担相应责任。
Accordingly, the degree of degradation is observed to enhance if the period of the sintering process is too long. 由此发现过度加长烧结时间有加速劣化的趋势。
Accordingly, the effective electrolog information and its preprocess become more important In this paper, the dual laterolog data was corrected through the reversion algorithm on the basis of electrolog theory and the minimum mean square principle. 通过电测井资料的预处理,可提供原状地层电阻率、冲洗带地层电阻率以及泥浆滤液侵入半径等3个参数。
Accordingly, the facture of the clay model has great effect on the design of whole motorcycle. 所以说,油泥模型制作与整车设计开发的成功与否关系密切。
Accordingly, the general trend of the modem relief system for environmental infringement is the socialization of the liability of compensation for relevant damages, which is mainly embodied in the rise of non-fault liability principle and the establishmen 于是,现代环境侵权救济制度的一般发展趋势为损害赔偿责任的社会化,其主要表现为无过失责任原则的兴起、损害填补保障制度的建立等。
Accordingly, the higher the vibrating frequency, the smaller the surface roughness, and the longer the tool life. 在一定条件下,振幅越小,加工表面粗糙度越大,刀具磨损越快;振动频率越高,加工表面粗糙度越小,刀具磨损越轻。
Accordingly, the major part of this essay will follow Oakeshott's steps to re-establish the characteristics of liberal education in terms of the humanist ethos evinced in his philosophical skepticism. 如此,本文的论述主体将依循欧克秀的步调,从其带有哲学怀疑论色彩的人文主义精神著手,重建人文教育理念的主要特质。
Accordingly, the master may suspend the schedule of hours of work or hours of rest and require a seafarer to perform any hours of work necessary until the normal situation has been restored. 为此,船长可中止工作时间或休息时间安排,要求一名海员从事任何时间的必要工作,直至情况恢复正常。
Accordingly, the next step, says Dr Gill, is to see how microbial populations vary between people of different ages, backgrounds and diets. 吉尔博士据此说道,接下来要弄清的是,年龄、生活背景以及饮食习惯不同的人在其所含的微生物种群上有何差异。
Accordingly, the significance of stem cells in the present day scientific research field, the proceedings of the Edinburgh case and the ratiocination given by the Opposition Division, and all other major factors affecting the appeal will be discussed here 据此,本文由干细胞于科学上之重要性出发,再述爱丁堡一案之申请过程与该案之异议决定理由,并对于此案后续可能发展的变量进行讨论。
Accordingly, this article could conclude that, take to defeat the enemy without combatand culture moralismas Chinese unique strategic culture is a misplacement of time and space. 因此,视「不战而屈人之兵」与「文化道德主义」为中国独特的战略文化,其实只是时空的错置。

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