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The culture of the tiny piece of expectorated sputum yielded an organism known as mycobacterium avium intracellulare.

The culture of folk-custom was of great importance n criminology. 摘要民俗文化在犯罪学中有著重要的功用。
The culture of overseas Chinese people, as an emigration culture, is the representation of mentality, concept and thought of overseas Chinese people. 摘要海外中华游子文化作为移民文化,它是海外中华游子社会人们的心态、观念和思想的体现。
The culture of pearls is the mainstay of this county. 珍珠养殖是该县的主要经济支柱。
The culture of silence is still dominant. 中国的沉默文化还是占据统治地位。
The culture of the British Empire had once changed the daily life of Hong Kong people in the used to be fishing village, influences from China now are quickly wiping out any remaining marks of the Brits. 大英帝国的文化曾改写了香港人的渔港历史,中国的影响快又掩盖过英国人留下的记号。
The culture of the tiny piece of expectorated sputum yielded an organism known as mycobacterium avium intracellulare. 对这点样品培养出来一种细胞内分枝杆菌。
The culture of the work force is a mix of Hispanic-Catholic family values and Asian-Confucian group loyalty. 员工文化混合着拉丁美洲天主教的家庭价值观念和亚洲儒家的效忠集体的观念。
The culture technology developed increasingly, and day output increased by three and four times for T. brontispae and A. hispinarum moreover, the parasites were fine in quality and efficiency, which insured the controlled effect when released outside. 饲养培育从原来采用的“两室繁蜂法”改进为现在的“五室繁蜂法”,椰心叶甲啮小蜂和椰甲截脉姬小蜂的日产量分别是原来的3倍和4倍,而且蜂种质量优良、寄生率高,能保证大田释放控制效果。
The cumulative probability distribution (CPD) and probability density function (PDF) of the magnitude of signals with noise are approximated by the cumulate percentage distribution (cpd) and percentage density (pcd) respectively by sorting and discretizin 含噪讯号强度之累积机率分布及机率密度特性,则依强度递增排序法,换算成累积百分比分布及百分比密度近似之。
The cumulative survival rates of patients with liver cirrhosis and normal glucose tolerance were 95% at 5 years. 累计的5年成活率在正常葡萄糖耐受感应花环者中为95%.
The cumulative term for those parts of the List of Available Names in Zoology which have been adopted by the Commission under Article 79. 一个累积性术语,是指在第79条之下,该目录中已被委员会采纳的部分。

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