Round trip buses available from Toronto, Boston, Albany, New Jersey, Washington DC, and Flushing New York. Please contact your local Taiwanese organizations or call Taiwan Center at 718-445-7007.
纽约、纽泽西、华府、波士顿、纽约上州各地均备有巴士接送,报名请联络当地社团或台湾会馆718-445-7007。让我们一起继续努力,一起来达成台湾加入联合国的愿望! |
Round trip is 600 US dollars.
来回票价是600美元。 |
Round up the family and get ready for a whole lotta fun with Disney's hilarious animated comedy Home On The Range.
一家大细坐低齐齐睇,迪士尼搞笑喜剧动画《至叻皇牛党》冲到屋企啦! |
Round-the-clock service features this store.
日夜服务是这家商店的特色。 |
Round-the-clock service is a feature of this shop.
这家商店的特点是昼夜服务. |
Round-the-clock service is the feature of this shop.
这家商店的特点是昼夜服务. |
Round. The taste impression given by a supple, mellow wine which is not hard and which is full of finesse.
圆润:柔顺圆熟的葡萄酒所带来的品尝感受,这类葡萄酒不生硬,精妙灵巧。 |
Round: A wine with balance, flavor &body with non-dominating or absent, no hard edges, ready to drink.
圆润:平衡的酒体,不涩口的味道,没有坚硬的感觉。 |
Rounded up in Mysore, India's famous wild elephant drive, a pint-size pachyderm splashes through a stream between two adults, all destined for domestication.
迈索尔是印度著名的野象之路,图中这头小号厚皮动物正在两头大象之间水花四溅的度过一条小溪,它们以后都将被驯化。 |
Rounding a bend in the river, they came in sight of a handsome, dignified old house of mellowed red brick, with well-kept lawns reaching down to the water's edge.
绕过一道河湾,迎面就见一幢美丽、庄严、古色古香的老红砖房;房前是修理得平平整整的草坪,一直延伸到河边。 |
Rounding out the Top 5 are Jessica Simpson, Mel Gibson, and Tom Cruise.
入选前五名的“厌”星还包括杰西卡·辛普森、梅尔·吉布森和汤姆·克鲁斯。 |