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It is found out that both depth and forward speed have considerable effects on hydrodynamic coefficients of ship.

It is forty-five years since I joined the air forces.I served in both World I and World War II. 好吧,我参加空军已经45年了。我曾经参加过两次世界大战。
It is found at staged operation that residual cholesteatoma is more frequently encountered at some anatomic sites such as the anterior epitympanum, oval window niche, and hypotympanum near the Eustachian tube. 由阶段手术得到的经验显示上鼓室之前侧、卵圆窗及下鼓室靠近耳咽管处是胆脂瘤容易残留的部位。
It is found by comparison that as the structural forms of special-shaped columns and short-shear walls are used, the structures should be arranged reasonably so as to meet the needs of lateral stiffness, and axial compression ratio should be controlled st 对比讨论发现:采用钢筋混凝土异形柱和短肢剪力墙的结构形式时,应当进行合理的结构布置以满足结构整体抗侧移刚度的要求,同时严格控制竖向构件轴压比并满足配筋构造以防止构件可能出现的翘曲和剪切破坏,这样才能同时满足小高层住宅对建筑和结构的需要。
It is found in 5%-86% in anatomic studies but only observed in 0.5%-12% of patient undergoing coronary arteriography. 本病可见于解剖个案的5%~86%,但在心导管统计报告只有0.5%-12%。
It is found in porphyrins, and is essential for chlorophyll synthesis. 卟啉结构中具有铁,是组成叶绿素的必要物质。
It is found out that both depth and forward speed have considerable effects on hydrodynamic coefficients of ship. 数值结果显示了水底效应对航行船舶水动力的影响,为进一步研究浅水航行船舶的耐波性提供了基础。
It is found out through the study on soil seed bank of Seabuckthorn community and standing vegetation that along with the increase of secondary reclamation time of sample lands, the increasing trend of index of diversity of species is decreased. 但是通过对沙棘群落土壤种子库和地上植被的研究发现,随着样地复垦时间的增加,其物种多样性指数的提高趋势下降。
It is found particularly in pioneer weed species and in ecosystems such as the tundra, where insect vectors are rare. 研究发现这种现象主要存在于某些先锋植物物种和苔原生态系统中,因为那里传粉的昆虫很少。
It is found that Ceramium spp and Gracilaria verrucosa become the chief dominant species in the red algal community during May. 烟台海域基岩潮间带红藻群落的优势种为仙菜和江篱。
It is found that Internet will bring a great influence for molecular biology study, and holding and utilizing Internet is essential diathesis for biological worker. 认为互联网将对分子生物学研究产生巨大影响,掌握和利用互联网是生物学工作者的必备素质。
It is found that Tom was murdered and the police has taken action to look into the case. 句意为“有人发现汤姆被杀,警方已采取行动调查此事”。显然“谋杀”这个动作的执行者是未知的,此时用被动语态更适宜。

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