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For example, you might use an oscilloscope to determine if a particular interrupt is currently asserted.

For example, women, many of whom had been active supporters of the war to preserve democracy (like the dedicated Moms in this photo), finally got the right to vote with the ratification of the 19th Amendment in 1920. 举例来说,许多妇女表现得相当积极,她们赞成加入战争,以确保民主和平,最后妇女还因为国会于1920年通过第19项宪法修正案而得到投票权。
For example, woodwork, business management and accounting, international cooking. 例如:木工手艺,工商管理,会计,烹饪等。
For example, yellow pulsed dye laser and excimer laser have been shown to clear skin lesions caused by psoriasis. 例如,黄波脉冲染料激光器和受激准分子激光器已经证实可清除牛皮癣导致的皮肤损伤。
For example, you can meet a really kind, respectful girl in a noisy smoky bar or while collecting food for the poor. 例如,你会在一个嘈杂、烟雾缭绕的酒吧或者在为穷人收集食物的时候碰到一个很友好、有礼貌的女孩。
For example, you can travel to Australia and play games with the local children or visit senior citizen s. 举例来说,你可以到澳洲和当地孩童玩游戏或探视老人。
For example, you might use an oscilloscope to determine if a particular interrupt is currently asserted. 例如:如果一个特殊的中断发生,你可以用一个示波器去检测它。
For example, you might use remote debugging on an operating system kernel, or on a small system which does not have a general purpose operating system powerful enough to run a full-featured debugger. 比如,你可以使用远程调试去调试操作系统内核,或者是一个小系统,它没有足够的操作系统特征,而且不能运行一个全功能的调试器。
For example, you should actively pursue career opportunities rather than quietly fret about getting fired. 例如,你应该积极地寻找工作机会而不是暗自担心会被炒鱿鱼。
For example,Windows XP added DVD player-software, a rudimentary Internet security utility and a new instant messaging program. 例如,视窗XP增添了DVD播放软件,却有一个不成熟的因特网安全功能和即时通讯程序。
For example,a grandmotherly woman staffing an animal rights booth at a recent street fair was distributing a brochure that encouraged readers not to use anything that comes from or is tested on animals—no meat,no fur,no medicines. 例如,在近期的一次街头集市上,在动物权利宣传点一位老奶奶散发小册子规劝人们不要使用任何动物制品和动物实验制品——肉类,毛皮,药物。
For example,did you know that 1in 4 teenagers has tried marijuana? 比如,你是否知道4个青少年中就有1位曾经吸过大麻?

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