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He's lined up a live band for the party.

He's lied his way into a really plum job. 他靠撒谎骗得一份好工作.
He's like a kite, at any time may break at any time, but he will not make a choice destination. just let portion of his eternal love to call their own. 他像一只风筝,随时随时都可能断线,但他不会去选择归宿,只是让那份自己所属的永恒之爱来牵住自己。
He's like a toad trying to swallow a swan. 他真是癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉。
He's likely to land in hot water unless restrained by wiser counsel. 除非听人忠告有所收敛,他很有可能陷入麻烦。
He's likely to land in hot water unless restrained by wiser counsel. 除非由明智一点的劝导来加以约束否则他很有可能捅漏子。
He's lined up a live band for the party. 他为晚会安排了一支充满活力的乐队。
He's lining up with the most reactionary people in his party. 他在同自己党内最反动的人物结成同盟。
He's lived in this city all his life. He knows it like the back of his hand. 他在这座城市住了一辈子,对这里可以说是了如指掌。
He's locked in and nobody knows where the key is. 他被锁在里面,而且没有人知道钥匙在哪里。
He's lost a lot of weight: he's three kilos lighter than he used to be. 他体重减了很多, 比以前轻了三公斤.
He's lots of run. 他很风趣。

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