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Whilst a number of clubs are interested in the powerful front-man, it is Besiktas who remain at the front of the queue if they can agree a fee with the Premiership outfit - with Roberts still smarting due to the actions of his club.

Whiles Mammon is worshipped as never before, the rich get richer and the poor, poorer. 当财神比以往任何时候都更受崇拜的时候,穷者愈穷,富者愈富。
Whiles it remained, was it not thine own? 4田地还没有卖,不是你自己的吗。
Whiles they see vanity unto thee, whiles they divine a lie unto thee, to bring thee upon the necks of them that are slain, of the wicked, whose day is come, when their iniquity shall have an end. 结21:29人为你见虚假的异象、行谎诈的占卜、使你倒在受死伤之恶人的颈项上.他们罪孽到了尽头、受报的日子已到。
Whilst Chelsea's other stars more regularly make the headlines, it is the consistent Makelele who many regard as being the key cog in the club's well oiled machine. 使得切尔西的其他球星可以放心的往前压进,这就是稳健的马克莱莱被许多人看作是像高度运转的机器的球队中最重要的一个环节。
Whilst Shevchenko has not quite made the impact expected for The Blues in his first weeks at the club, his manager Mourinho has faith that he will soon add to his solitary Premiership goal and strike fear into the hearts of English defenders on a regular 在俱乐部的开始几周,尽管舍普琴科有时没有达到蓝军球迷的强烈期望,但是他的主教练穆里尼奥对他充满信心,何塞曾经说舍普琴科不会让他的首粒英超进球孤单多久,很快他就会让英格兰那些训练有素的防守队员感到恐惧。
Whilst a number of clubs are interested in the powerful front-man, it is Besiktas who remain at the front of the queue if they can agree a fee with the Premiership outfit - with Roberts still smarting due to the actions of his club. 当很多俱乐部对这名强力前锋感兴趣的时候,贝斯克塔斯走在这支队伍的前面,如果他们能够同意这支英超俱乐部开出的转会费的话——罗伯茨目前依然因为自己在俱乐部的行为受罚。
Whilst accepting the goal was a mite lucky, Mourinho felt that his team probably deserved the victory. 穆里尼奥承认进球有点运气成分,但他觉得他的队伍应当赢得胜利。
Whilst caring for him, she tells him the rest of her story. 在照顾明的时候,她跟他讲述了自己的故事。
Whilst composing the video messages many items that would probably require security clearance are clearly visible. These including a naquadah generator and all of the Atlantis badges. 大意是说,这些视频信息都是同时制作和传送的,必然要花费很大精力来进行审查,否则很可能泄露一些顶极机密。我也不敢确定是不是这个意思,比较晦涩。
Whilst confirming he had lost patience with United and that Senna would now stay at the club, the Villarreal supremo criticised the English giants for dragging their heels over a deal. 他现在已经对曼联失去了耐心并表示塞纳将留队,他同时批评曼联在合同方面的办事拖拉.
Whilst delighted at seeing record-signing Andriy Shevchenko finally open his Stamford Bridge goal account, José Mourinho was bemused at the bookings handed out to both Chelsea goalscorers by referee Mark Clattenburg. 舍瓦终于在斯坦福桥打破他的进球荒,穆里尼奥固然很高兴,但是令他吃惊的是本场比赛的主裁判马克*克拉滕博格黄牌警告了切尔西的2位进球功臣。

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