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Any of a breed of large black-and-white hogs developed in North America.

Any of a breed of characteristically large, reddish-brown or chestnut-colored draft horses. 役马,拖车马一种以红棕色或栗色为特征的大型载重马
Any of a breed of common domestic ducks descended from and resembling the mallard. 鲁昂鸭一种与绿头鸭相似并是其后代的普通家养鸭
Any of a breed of dogs originally developed in Europe as hunting dogs, having thick, curly hair of varying color, and classified by shoulder height into standard, miniature, and toy varieties. 髦毛狗,贵宾狗最初在欧洲用作猎狗的一种狗,毛发厚而卷曲,颜色各异,依据其肩高分成标准型、迷你型和玩具型
Any of a breed of gray or black draft horse originally used in France for drawing artillery and heavy coaches but now bred in other countries for general purposes. 柏雪龙马一种产自法国的灰色或黑色的马,用来拉火炮和四轮大马车,现在其它国家大量养做它用
Any of a breed of heavy-set dog originating in China, having a long, dense, reddish-brown or black coat and a blue-black tongue. 中国家犬,松狮犬一种身材矮胖的狗,最早在中国饲养,有长、密、红褐色或黑色的皮毛和蓝黑色的舌头。
Any of a breed of large black-and-white hogs developed in North America. 白斑黑毛大种猪:产于北美洲的一种个体很大的黑白相间的猪。
Any of a breed of large, white-faced sheep having long coarse wool, developed in Leicestershire, a county of central England. 莱斯特羊一种体型较大的白脸羊,长有粗糙的长毛,是在英格兰中部莱斯特郡培育出来的
Any of a breed of reddish cattle originally developed in the English county of Devon and raised primarily for beef. 德文牛一种毛色微红的牛的品种,原产于英国德文郡,主要用于食用牛肉
Any of a breed of small dog developed in China, having a flat nose, a long-haired coat, short bowed forelegs, and a tail that curls over its back. 哈巴狗一种在中国衍生发展长有扁平的鼻子且浑身长毛的小狗,有短小如弓状的前足及卷曲在背上的尾巴
Any of a breed of small, hardy domestic fowl of Mediterranean origin, noted for prolific production of eggs. 来航鸡原产于地中海地区的一种个小但健壮的家禽,以下蛋多而闻名
Any of a breed of swift, short-haired dog developed in England for racing, resembling the greyhound but smaller. 小灵狗一种敏捷、短毛的狗,培育于英国为比赛而用,与灵相似但体型要小一些

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