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The rental terms are three to five years.

The rent we charge you is rather low/well below the average in the community. 我们要的房租很低/远远低于这一带其他房主出的价。
The rental (the “rental”)of the apartment shall be RMB per month, inclusive of management fee. 该公寓的月租金为人民币元整,包含物业管理费。
The rental income is one million Hong Kong dollars per month. 租金是每月港币一百万元。
The rental paid by Party B should be in Chinese currency, Yuan according to the current exchange rate from Bank of China. 乙方支付房金是按当天中国银行牌价换算,人民币支付。
The rental term is for three years. 至于租期是三年.
The rental terms are three to five years. 租期可以是三至五年。
The rental terms will be three to five years. 租期可以是三至五年。
The reorder point should cover the average material requirements expected during the replenishment lead time. 重采购点能够覆盖一般的物料需求,使其满足在补货提前期之内。
The reorganization may lead to staff reductions. 改组后可能导致裁去职员。
The reorganization plan of the enterprise shall be discussed by the congress of the staff and workers of the enterprise. 企业整顿方案应当经过企业职工代表大会讨论。
The reorganization starts on the basis of the core corporation, which develops by ways of order parameter and negentropy in the course of self-organization, and the internal self-organization in the core corporation, capital, institution and management to 通过集团自组织过程中的序参量、负熵以及通过核心企业、资本、制度、管理四位一体的企业集团内部自组织演化路径,转化为企业制度化稳定的公司治理结构。

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