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While we appreciate the support, we can not let cheaters off the hook as they ruin the game for everyone.

While wandering on streets of Shihezi City, Kuytun City, Wujiaqu City, Alar City, Tumushuke City, it is very hard to believe these cities of the Corps are so young. 漫步在石河子市、奎屯市、五家渠市、阿拉尔市、图木舒克市的街头,很难相信这些兵团城市是如此年轻。
While watching Casablanca, we were so happy and gay that the popcorn and cokes tasted as good as champagne and caviar. 看电影时,我们喝着可乐,吃着爆米花,就像喝上了香槟和吃鱼子酱一样让人开心。
While water alone will not eliminate your acne it will greatly assist your skin in remaining healthy and that will be one portion of the pie in fighting acne. 而水不会单独去掉痤疮将大大有助于您的皮肤健康,在余下部分将饼一打痤疮.
While water transfer project was implemented step by step and new exploitation of water and land resources is beginning or will begin with rapidly economical development of Xinjiang, this paper summarized development and utilization of water and land reso 在当前新疆经济快速发展、大规模调水工程逐步实施、新的水土开发正在或即将进行时,本文总结近50年来新疆荒漠水土开发引发的环境问题,强调要深刻认识新疆荒漠生态环境的脆弱性,合理开发利用水土资源,高度重视生态环境的保护和建设,防患于未然。
While we all know you can't take another's work and claim it as your own, you also can't take their idea and simply rewrite it a bit. 因为我们都知道,你不能把别人的东西拿过来声称是自己的,你也不能把别人的观点拿过来草草地书写一下。
While we appreciate the support, we can not let cheaters off the hook as they ruin the game for everyone. 虽然我们感谢支持,但是我们不能容忍这些作弊者毁掉大家的游戏却不受惩罚。
While we are able to present here some initial findings about American Sign Language, it will be years before the major sign languages of the world can be analyzed. 虽然我们现在可以在这里为大家提供一些有关美国手语的初步研究结果,但我们仍需要数年的时间才能将世界的主要手语作出分析。
While we are in the process of acquiring more analytical facilities, PORTSIM is currently equipped with a gas liquid chromatography(GLC) and experimental kitchen facilities. 我们正在购买更多分析仪器,现在已经拥有一台气相色谱仪和完整厨房实验设备。
While we are in third dimension we are using our physical body to experience, our emotional body to work on issues, and our mental body to understand and make many decisions. 当我们在三维时候,我们正使用我们的肉体去体验,我们的情感身体继续工作在发行上,而我们的精神身体去理解并做许多决定。
While we are starting with a limited product line, small gear hobbing machines, we have long-term plans to expand in to a variety of additional business activities. 即使有较大的全球**和领先的市场份额,对于我们公司来说这仍是十分重要的日子,因为**的开业意味着盖尔森公司首次在中国完全拥有制造业的设施?
While we are today better prepared to prevent and fight off infectious diseases, we are nonetheless condemned to coexist with them. 尽管今天我们充分准备着预防和战胜传染病,我们还是被宣告我们与其生活在一起。

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