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Among his tasks was overseeing the demobilization of the troops who had been fighting in France.

Among his efforts, Mister Summers helped make it possible for more students from poor families to attend Harvard. 萨默斯所做的努力中还包括,帮助更多来自贫困家庭的学生能够进入哈佛就读。
Among his four Tableau Economiques the basic elements and the prerequisites of Marx's Theory of Social Reproduction are all explained concisely and make almost perfect theory pattern. 在马克思绘制的四个经济表中,社会资本再生产的基本要素和前提条件,得到了简洁明晰的阐释,形成了几近完美的理论雏形。
Among his other professional activities, Doney serves on the NASA Orbital Carbon Observatory science team and is chair of the Ocean Carbon and Climate Change Scientific Steering Group, which is a part of the U.S. 唐尼从事许多科学研究,他是美国航太总署轨道卫星碳观测站的科学小组成员,也是海洋碳与气候变迁科学指导小组的主席。
Among his scoring feats is a five minute hat-trick in a match with Athletico Bilbao. 在他所有进球表演中有一个对毕尔巴厄的5分钟帽子戏法。
Among his songs in this collection are such favourites as Auld Lang Syneand A Red, Red Rose. 在这本选集里有他最受欢迎的歌曲“昔日的好时光”和“一朵红玫瑰”。
Among his tasks was overseeing the demobilization of the troops who had been fighting in France. 他的任务之一是过海解散在法国作战的军队。
Among hospitals, great variety was revealed in coverage rate as well as referral rate of newborn hearing screening programs. 21家听力筛检医院,均为自费,绝大多数医院(20家)之听力筛检费用在500元-800元之间。
Among human being's food resources, protein is the major elements for the composition of body blood, tissue and organs, also it is the indispensable nutritional element for body growth and recovery. 在食物来源中,蛋白质是构成身体血液,肌肉和组织的主要成分,它也是身体成长和康复不可缺少的营养素。
Among illegal drugs, methamphetamine now has more users worldwide than cocaine and heroin combined. 在非法毒品中,冰毒在世界范围内的影响已经超过了可卡因和海洛因。
Among indigo blue, blue, purple and green, one may select one color, or two ,or three. 青色、蓝色、紫色、绿色,任选其中一、二、三色均可。
Among insulating materials used in chromeplating solution, PP-R (polypropylene) plastic or F4 (white) plastic has comparatively excellent performance; whereas the insulating materials used in other non-chromeplating-solutions could be selected according t 试验发现:在镀槽镀铬液环境使用的绝缘材料,PP-R(聚丙烯)塑料或F4(白色)塑料的使用性能是比较优秀的;在其它非镀铬液环境使用的绝缘材料,可根据具体的使用条件选用。

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