Teachers who have seen the film have provided the filmmaker with positive feedback, and Chirsms says it is specially gratify to hear positive comments from beginning teachers who can identify strongly with the film characters.
很多老师看完这部电影拍摄者的电影都予以了肯定,C说那些来自于与影片角色有着很大共鸣的新老师的肯定尤为让他觉得满足。 |
Teachers who have seen the film have provided the filmmakers with positive feedback and Chris Mass says it is especially gratifying to hear positive comments from beginning teachers who can identify strongly with the film's characters.
曾看过这部电影的老师积极地向制片人提供了反馈意见,C说,听到那些对片中角色有强烈共鸣的新教师的积极评价,更令他们感到欣慰。 |
Teachers will demonstrate how picture books can be presented in various ways and lead the children to reinvent the stories through recitation, singing, drama, dances and so on.
讲师将示範如何以多元的方式诠释绘本并且带领小朋友们透过朗诵、歌唱、戏剧、舞蹈等方式创造新的故事。 |
Teachers won't write on the blackboard with chalk.
老师们将不用粉笔在黑板上书写。 |
Teachers' Day is no loner a national holiday any more.
教师节己不再是国定假日了。 |
Teachers' Day? It's the 10th of September.
教师节是什么时候?它在每年的九月十日。 |
Teachers' Web sites will in fact be quite individual-depending upon subject matter and grade level.
事实上,教师的站点是十分个性化的——主要决定于所教科目与年级。 |
Teachers' specialization is becoming an international tendency in education reform.
摘要教师专业化发展已成为国际教师教育改革的趋势。 |
Teachers, please check the fire escape map posted in your classroom, and have your class exit according to the map during the drill.
疏散路线图将张贴于各教室内,请教师们参阅,并于演习时,按指定的出入口疏散。 |
Teachers, please urge your students to start working on their yearbook articles, according to the schedule listed in the October 19 newsletter. The final copies are due on December 7, 2002.
请各位老师督促您的学生按照进度开始写作校刊文章﹐并于十二月七日准时交稿。 |
Teachers, rather, should be more passive, be willing to take a step back, and give direction only when students need - and ask for, help.
相反,教师不要过于积极,应该退回一步,应该只有在孩子需要、请求帮助的时候才予以必要的指导。 |