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The Bible makes that very clear.

The Bible describes the Ark's power at the conquering of Jericho. 《圣经》记载有约柜的力量攻克耶利哥城。
The Bible hope of the resurrection was well expressed by Martha long ago. 马大很早以前就说明过圣经对复活的希望。
The Bible instructs us to run like athletes. 圣经教导我们要像运动员一样的奔跑。
The Bible is God's story as he interacts with humankind. 这是上帝和人类相互关联的故事.
The Bible is our guidebook to the future, just as it is our handbook for the present. 圣经是我们未来的指南书,就好像是我们目前的生活手册一样。
The Bible makes that very clear. 圣经对此说得很明确。
The Bible recorded that the prophet Moses walked with God. 《圣经》上记述了先知摩西追随上帝(的事)。
The Bible refers to a three dimensional God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 圣经中提到一个三维的圣父、圣子和圣灵的三位一体的上帝。
The Bible says God himself became man. 圣经上说,神他自己成为人的样式。
The Bible says adultery is a sin. 圣经说通奸是罪恶。
The Bible says nothing, anywhere, about human beings having immortal souls. It always talks about the body being raised from the dead. 圣经在任何地方都没有说过人类有“不朽的灵魂”。它始终谈论身体要从死亡中被复活。

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