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The Storm Riders was far more challenging.

The Stockholm Olympic Games in 1912. 1912年斯德哥尔摩奥运会。
The Stockholm-based Patzer has shorn the locks of everySwedishprime minister since the late 1960s. 自上世纪60年代末,居住在斯德哥尔摩的帕兹便成为瑞典首相的御用理发师。
The Stone Age has been divided into two periods: the Old Stone Age and the New Stone Age. 石器时代分为两个阶段:旧石器时代和新石器时代。
The Stone Moon, a 32.7 by 60 meter hole, is the mythological origin of the Lisu Ethnic and a geographic wonder created the India-Eurasia collision. 这个大理石溶岩形成的宽32.7米高60米的孔洞,是传说中傈僳族起源的地方。石月亮所在的月亮山是印度版块撞向欧亚版块形成的地质奇观。
The Stone Summit have mined this area until the ground itself has caved in, draining it completely, leaving only their tattered scaffolding behind. 不断的挖掘这个区域的矿产,直到大地坍蹋、资源耗尽,现在只剩被遗留下来的破烂鹰架。
The Storm Riders was far more challenging. 《风云》的制作更具挑战性。
The Storming of the Bastille on July 14, 1789, was an important symbolic development in the French Revolution. 在1789年7月14日攻陷巴士底狱是法国大革命中具有象征意义的重大进展。
The Storyboard is an essential stage of the animation process and helps to finalise the development and the storyline. 故事情节串联板作为动画开发过程中的一个重要阶段,能在最终确定动画开发和故事线索上提供很大帮助。
The Storyteller tells the tale of the Long Winter. 人们在传述着关于恒冬的故事。
The Straits of Tiran were open. 蒂朗海峡都是公开的.
The Strand is one of London's busiest thoroughfares. 斯特兰德大街是伦敦最热闹的要道之一。

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