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Practice shows that the application of frequency spectrum characteristics to the evaluation of IP anomalies caused by sulfide mineralized bodies (chalcopyrite) and graphite-bearing dolomitic marble is effective.

Practice proves the feasibility and efficiency of this method. 实践表明了该方法的实用性和有效性。
Practice reading aloud - get someone to check your pronunciation and intonation, or record yourself on tape and analyze your own speech. 练习大声读-让某人检查你的发音和语调,或在磁带上录下你的声音并且分析你自己的讲话。
Practice results show that ladder Rasching ring filler is low in pressure reduction and good in anti fouling, which can lengthen the operation duration of the washing tower. 实践使用结果表明,阶梯拉西环填料的压降低、抗污堵性能好,可延长洗涤塔的运行周期。
Practice shows that choosing grinding parameter rationally could ensure a higher explosion-proof capability for the operation machines in coalmines and meet the technical requirement of work safety in mine. 实践证明,合理选择磨削参数,能够保证煤矿井下工作机械具有高的防爆性能,达到矿井安全生产的技术要求。
Practice shows that rigid PVC equipment can be used under 60℃ by cooling water; rigid PVC can be used instead of certain steel devices during the production of fluoride salt. 实际使用情况表明:在氟化盐生产中,采用淋水冷却的办法可以使硬聚氟乙烯设备在高于60℃的条件下使用;可代替某些钢制设备。
Practice shows that the application of frequency spectrum characteristics to the evaluation of IP anomalies caused by sulfide mineralized bodies (chalcopyrite) and graphite-bearing dolomitic marble is effective. 实践证明,利用频率谱定性评价硫化物矿化体(黄铜矿)与含石墨白云质大理岩激电异常源取得较佳效果。
Practice shows that the building up of corporate culture intensively relates to the development of enterprise, which is the soul of business development, is the determinant factor affecting the future of the enterprises, and is an important component of c 实践证明:企业文化建设与企业发展息息相关,是企业发展的灵魂;是关系到企业前途命运的大事;是做好企业发展战略规划的重要组成部分。
Practice shows that the instrument has follow characteristics: wids measuring range, high accuracy, intelligence of calibration constant adjustment and zero adjustment, convenience of transducer replacement and easily use, good linearity and measurement e 实践证明:该仪器具有测量范围宽,测量精度高,校准常数调节和零点调节实现智能化,换能器更换方便和使用简单等特点,且具有较好的线性度,其测量误差均在0.5%以内。
Practice shows that the scheme is feasible, and it is an effective approach to the problem of control complexity of iron ore sintering process. 工业现场应用表明,这种方法切实可行,是解决烧结过程控制复杂性问题的一条有效途径。
Practice shows that the successfulness rate of resistivity method in water exploration of this desert area is higher than 70%. 实践表明,利用电阻率法在该地区找水的成功率可达70%以上。
Practice shows the technical renovation has greatly improved thermal efficiency of gas well-type heat treatment furnace, increasing productivity of furnace, achieving objective of saving energy and reducing environmental pollution. 实践表明:技改有效地提高了燃气井式热处理炉的热效率,提高了炉子的产量,达到了节能与减少环境污染的目的。

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