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We had intercommunicating rooms.

We had hoped for better. 我们曾希望情况好转.
We had hoped to get the house but another couple was bidding against us, ie repeatedly offering a higher price than us. 我们原希望买下这所房子,但另一对夫妇不断抬价与我们竞买.
We had hoped to get their help on this project, but they refused to play ball. 我们本希望得到他们的协助,可他们拒绝合作。
We had hours of fun balancing objects like a salt shaker on his flat nose while he slept soundly. 他沉睡的时候,我们会玩个游戏,在他那扁鼻子上摆像盐瓶那样的小玩艺而要保持平衡不倒,这样一玩就是几个小时,大家玩得不亦乐乎。
We had intended to see you, but we weren't free. 我们本打算来看望你,但却没能抽出时间。
We had intercommunicating rooms. 我们的房间是通间.
We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun, but the songs that we sang, were just seasons out of time. 我们曾经快乐我们曾经嬉戏,我们曾经拥有阳光中的四季,但我们爬过的那些山,已经随着季节远去。
We had just finished paving our beds, dried grass's dust was still flying in the house, the gimp came again, he said the header told him to lead us to go to have a supper. 我们刚把自己的铺位铺好,干草的烟尘还在土房里飞扬的时候,那个瘸子又来了,他说队长叫他领我们吃饭去。
We had kept a file copy of all the sorted documents of all the dismission personnel,which can ensure all those records be kept well and shown clearly about the dismmission reason. 已将所有离职人员档案用文件分类存底,确保员工的档案万无一失,并能清楚显示离职人员的离职原因.
We had learned about 5000English words by the end of last term. 到上学期末我们已经学了5000个英语单词。
We had like to have your catalogues and price list for study. 我们想要一些你们的目录和价格单研究一下.

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