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The advantages and disadvantages of using duckbill valve in sea outfalls are discussed in this paper, and the suitable conditions to use duckbill valve in outfall are put forward.

The advantage of this method is that, the compensation loop is applied for eliminating the change of toroidal flux produced by the toroidal coils and the adjustable structure can be used to decrease the error signals come from the poloidal field. 该方法的优点是补偿线圈有效地消除了纵场线圈产生的磁通变化,而调节机构能降低来自极向场的误差信号。
The advantage of tours, of course, is that the guides tend to let you in on lurid details not mentioned on the little plaque. 当然,参加旅游团的好处是,导游往往能透露给你说明板上所未提到的令人毛骨悚然的细节。
The advantage of using computers, he says, is each game can be tailored to a child's abilities. 他说使用计算机的优势是,每个游戏都能根据某个儿童的能力来定制。
The advantages and disadvantages of LED therapy are compared with those of the other light sources in the view of safety, reliability and low cast. 并从安全性、经济性、使用性等多方面比较分析了发光二极管光源疗法与其它光源疗法的优缺点。
The advantages and disadvantages of different anti-corrosion methods as well as their adaptability are analyzed. 还研究了不同防护层与不同金属表面粘结的剪切强度,以及不同表面处理情况对其剪切强度的影响。
The advantages and disadvantages of using duckbill valve in sea outfalls are discussed in this paper, and the suitable conditions to use duckbill valve in outfall are put forward. 对排海工程中应用鸭嘴阀的利弊进行了分析,提出了鸭嘴阀在排海工程中的适用条件。
The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages in this case. 这件事上,利远大于弊。
The advantages more than balance the disadvantage. 有利条件与不利条件相抵绰绰有余。
The advantages of Easter Along Company in animal health and feed are founded on its international technological support from Australia High Technology Group,advanced equipments and laboratories,and a large number of professionals (including 2 doctors, 3se 来自澳大利亚澳洲高科集团国际技术技持,并与国内多家权威科研单位的横向合作,配备现代化的仪器设备和实验室,拥有一大批专业人才(包括2位博士、3位高工、15位硕士、28位学士),铸就了东方澳龙在动保与饲料方面的专业优势,确保公司具有强大的研发能力,不断推出技术含量高、疗效确切的新产品。
The advantages of adjoint assimilation to obtain a first estimate field have been theoritically proved with provavility statistics and experimentally verified with ramdomly sampling simulation.The index to evaluate the effectiveness of adjoint assimilatio 用概率统计理论证明了伴随同化方法的初始估计的优良性,给出评估伴随同化方法效果的指标及其简单算法,并用随机模拟验证。
The advantages of dual grafts for bridging defects are as follows: (1) mechanical fixation is better than fixation by a single onlay bone graft; (2) the two grafts add strength and stability; (3) the grafts form a trough into which cancellous bone may be 双侧植骨桥接骨缺损的优点包括:①机械固定作用比单侧贴附植骨更好;②双侧植骨可增加强度和稳定性;③双侧的植骨可形成一骨槽,可在其中压紧松质骨;④与单侧植骨不同,双侧植骨在愈合过程中可防止挛缩的纤维组织危害移植的松质骨。

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